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Speaking of Dave Smith Decoys

I am guessing that the material will be the same, semi flexible material he is using on his Turkey Dekes. If that is the case I can't see it weighing all that much.

That thing sure does look sick. Limb, any clue if those are real or fake antlers on there, they look like the real deal.

He had a big write up on them on Kisky's awhile back, when he first introduced the idea of making a whitetail decoy. The material he used, if I remember correctly, was a very light material, and they decoy was suprisingly light in weight.

He's also working on the head, to make it where you can put a matched set of sheds of your own on it.
It doent look any more real than this one and I bet its half the price


Ok Limb lets see some pix of the strutter:way:
It doent look any more real than this one and I bet its half the price


Really? I disagree.
I'm not saying that the one in your pic isn't very realistic, especially compared to some others out there, and that it wouldn't work well, but IMO if you're strictly comparing the realism between the two....well, there's no comparison!
I think the realism of the posturing is the key here.

I could be wrong but just like their jake turkey decoy I think

the half strut is what draws the turkeys in.

I just hate to see the cost. I bet over a grand. :eek:
I'd say its more like the ARNOLD on ROIDS version of decoys. Realistic?...sorta.... if that buck is injecting daily

Yeah I dont quite understand all the mucle definition I thought that went away when they puffed up and looks to me the puffed up look is what they are going for.
No, they will not shy away. It is much like the strutting tom decoy. Weasel and I use a decoy quite a bit and this year we had two two and a half year olds come in and destroy our boss buck. Busted it up and came back for more after it was in pieces. This decoy will be a death sentence for the older bucks in my opinion because of it's realism...
Hey my friends, thought I'd chime in incase anyone is still reading this. A few comments about the deer. First off, I appreciate all the comments and they're what's going to direct the development of our deer, just like hunters have driven our goose and turkey development.
So now is the time to tell me what you want in this decoy as far as a stake or stand system, etc. I am going to tone the muscle definition down a little before it hits the market. That comment has come up a few times and I think I got just a tick carried away with that as I was working on it. The main goal was to make a postering buck. The decoy was tested this Fall on whitetails and blacktails and had a better initial trial than any previous DSD and keep in mind that we came into goose and turkey decoys during the absolute prime times, so that's saying alot.
Cost wise: we will sell it for as little as we can possibly get by with. It's not going to be a 1000.00 decoy like has been mentioned. I would be shooting for more like half of that if all goes well. Our production and development costs are astronomical compared to all our competitors because we produce here in the USA and not in China. We use the best possible materials and take our time on the sculptures and paint work. The prototypes that we made of this decoy were lightweight and user-friendly. The paint is anchored on and the material is quiet and durable.
Again, now is the time to make suggestions as we haven't made the production mold yet.
More than anything: THANKS for all comments, good or bad- they are all welcome and GREATLY appreciated.
It will need to be strong, because it's going to get the piss pounded out of it and i don't want to spend $500 on a decoy that's going to break the first time it get's hit. As light as possible. Quiet. The one's on the market today are pretty noisy. And a good way to carry it in and out! That's all i'm asking for!:grin: O and a Iowawhitetail discount!:way:
How about some type of foam that will absorb liquid around where the tarsal glands would be. That way if a guy wants, he can apply a dominant buck scent of some sort. Just a thought.....

Oh, and an Iowawhitetail discount!:way:
I like the option mention before of having some sort of way of using your own antlers and packing in and out is going to be a big thing.

As far as staking it down I noticed its stance looks fairly narrow so widing that would help alot. I think some kind of loops on each leg would work fine.

Off subject any release date on the full strut turkey:D
Welcome to the sight and thanks fot asking for our input.

I glady pay for products made in the great USA.
It would be really trick if the stakes telescoped in and out of the bottom of the legs with adjustable length for different conditions such as soil and wind speed. I would not use metal for noise reasons the stakes should stay in the legs so they won't be lost and less to worry about packing in

Or go away from stakes and go to a T bar style that fold up for easy packing.
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