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State Forest Nursery


Active Member
I got this email from the State Forester this morning.

All: As part of the pre-clearance administrative rules process, a public meeting will be held on May 26<SUP>th</SUP> at 4:00 pm to take public comments on the proposed State Forest Nursery rule changes. This meeting will be held at the State Forest Nursery. Following the initial comments and an analysis of future stock availability, we have adjusted the proposed seedling prices downward from our original proposal (see attachment). We will be sending out a press release announcing this meeting in the near future. Please feel free to pass this information along to interested parties. If individuals are unable to attend this meeting but wish to make comment, they can e-mail or call me. The deadline for comments is May 28th.
For those who don't know, the State Forest Nursery is in jeopardy of being closed for financial reasons. This meeting is about efforts to keep it open.

If there are those of you land owners or property managers that have not taken advantage of what the SFN has to offer, you have been missing out. If you don't speak up, you may miss out forever.

I'll bump this when the date gets closer. If you have an interest in this and know you can't make it to Ames, you can at least send letters/emails.

There's a word doc that came with this email. If any want to see it, speak up and I'll send it to you.

The importance of calls to the Governor cannot be stressed too much.Those are what have won the postponement of the closure!!
The Governors office phone number is: 515-281-5211.

The hearing regarding rewriting of the rules are the next step.

Attendance at that meeting is of paramount importance. We request LOTS of bodies in the seats.
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