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tell me about bows!

Here's a link with some good info for you.


Jason - safety tip!!! Do not start working on your bow until you develop a great deal more understanding! A compound bow can be very dangerous in certain circumstances.

You may try asking some questions at the local pro shop/sporting goods store. Notice that they will be using bow vises to safely hold the bow before getting down to business, etc. I would imagine that local shoots would have some folks there willing to share some experiences with you too.

Good luck and be careful.
AMO is now called ATA: Archery Trade Association, so you won't be hearing of the AMO anymore. They changed the name last year.

What type of Bow do you shoot? I now shoot Mathews, but used to shoot traditional.
I just started working on my own bows this Fall. I bought an Apple bow press and once you get familiar with your bow, it makes working on it great.
I shoot a PSE Nova, it's an older bow. I going to start out easy with working on bows. I'm jut going to start making my own arrows, then working up to restring, stuff like that.

Pardon the question Jason, but the bow you shoot now, is it the same one you started with when you were 10? You said you started 7 years ago, just making sure you were not a 17 yr old shooting a 10 year olds bow.

Now, assuming you are shooting a bow that fits you...read everything you can get your hands on. The amount of product on the market right now is staggering. You need to ingest as much as possible then start asking the questions. Right now we could throw enough at you to make you dangerous, but you wouldn't learn anything, and that makes you dangerous. Grab magazines, go to the library or boarders and grab anything that sounds good and dive in. This sport is fun when you don't know anything...when you go in eyeballs deep, it is down right addictive.

Then after reading enough to confuse you, take your bow to a shop/range and listen to the others shooting and the staff talking about what they like/don't and what's new/old. You are just learning the "tricks", enjoy.

Oh, one more thing. Read everything like it's your first time on the subject. Keeps a bias from forming in your mind before you make an informed desision.

Got it?

Happy learning.

I'm not using my first bow any more. I got a new bow five years ago, that is capable of taking a deer. I'm leaving the whole bow tuning and maintenace to some one who know what there doing. I probably will start learning in the futur though. But for now I'm just fletching my own arrows, and hopefully soon making my own arrows. So I'm just taking one step at a time.

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