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Year old seed?????


I've got a bunch of sunflower seed from last year that has been stored outside (in a garage) for the past year. Would it be ok to plant for doves, or should I just buy some new seed? Any guess as to germination, or should I just use it for birdfood and get new stuff?

Germination rate will be lower. Depending on how much you have, I would either increase the seeding rate a bit or buy new seed.
I would bet that second year seed would still have a good germination. I would just test them. Place 50 seeds spread out on a few paper towels and dampen with water. Place in a plastic bag or two and put in the window sill. Check daily and keep towels moist by misting if required. You should see seeds sprouting in first 5-7 days. Would wait 10-14 days to see how many grow. Count and multiply by two and this will give you your percent germination. But I would guess they will grow just fine. Can also up seeding rate some if germination is low. Good luck
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