Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2 boys 2 shots 2 bucks


Well Saturday things couldn't have went much better. Took Mason out for the morning hunt and at 7:15 he put a 80 yard shot on his buck to claim his first 8 pointer (his goal was to shot something with more than 4 total points). Picture after the shot that we sent to mom and his brothers.

Masons buck!!!

Then on Saturday evening took older brother Morgan out for a his hunt and on the walk in we noticed this guy bedded along a creek. With the wind in our face me made a little stalk to get in position for a shot. After we got where we needed to be a few does walked by the buck and when he stood up Mo placed the shot where it needed to be.

Well we knew when we were looking at him he was still in velvet, but we weren't close enough to see what was on his face (the pictures tell the rest of the story). Needless to say I think Mo did this buck a favor, his one eye was completely covered.
This is the first time both the boys shot deer on opening day of youth season, dad was pretty proud :way: If the boys have time away from football I'll have them post there own stories.
Great bucks!! Congrats to you guys. Some hunt thier whole life and never kill a velvet buck. Great opening day and great pics.
that is awesome!!!!! House full of happy hunters there, congrats to all of you guys!

that second buck's face is jacked... interesting looking deer for sure!
Now that's just about the most perfect weekend any Dad could ask for...congrats to all involved :way:

Good work DAD - Congrats to the boys :way:

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Both of those guys are the happiest kids around right there! I've never seen a deer that looks like that 2nd one, whoa. A closeup shot of the face would be interesting to see.
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