Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company




The DOA Decoy hopefully is in production in the near future as I don't have any assured dates at this point in time. All I can say is that people will LOVE IT! I went to other sites to locate people of interest and try to get a feel for the number of people using Decoy's. For the most part, most of the hunter's seem to be using a Decoy only during the rut and from my personal experience, the DOA should change that! I have shot several well-aged bucks within the first two weeks of bow season the last few years. When I spot a deer that I would like to harvest, my first thought is where will I put the Decoy? I have gained tremendous confidence in this product since the idea came about seven years ago, confidence that I have not heard of from other hunters except during the rut. What this tells me, is that this would be a phenominal addition to any hunters arsenal. The ears rotate from an alert position to an aggressive position with one toggle on the remote. The tail (operated with the other toggle) has a true "flicker", like that of a live whitetail which attracts their attention from long distances. The tail is synthetic and most cannot tell it from a real one. Many people in the surrounding area have called me or approached me in hopes of buying one of the prototypes. Many of these offers have been considerable amounts of money or at least much more than they will sell for. They can see the value of such a product within seconds of their seeing it work. Holy ----! and WOW THAT'S AWESOME! are just a couple of the responses I hear to the actions of the DOA Decoy. When a deer steps out or if I can call him just beyond a point where he can see the tail move, he's done for if I decide that he's a shooter. Once he sees it move, his eyes will hardly be removed from the Decoy until he is standing next to it and unknowingly in the line of fire. Often they will approach the DOA from the down wind side but this is often determined by how the Decoy is set up. Early season bucks are attracted to the DOA Buck Decoy I think for a couple of reasons. They are usually just coming out of or still in bachelor groups at this time thus I think they investigate each other frequently, especially a new guy. Mature deer where I hunt, are often by themselves and in an area to which they want to call home. Therefore, they seem to want to always check out their future competition, especially when the DOA is set up within their home boundaries. The funny part is, when they come in I sit there and find myself playing the part of being a deer by interacting with them. The deer wags his tail so do I, the deer tucks his ears because he wants to brawl so do I. What this does, is cause instinctive reactions from the live deer that cause you to forget about shooting him because your having so much fun playing with his mind. It increases your satisfaction level 10 fold because you get to interact with deer on every hunt with the DOA. I could go on and on with stories throughout my seven years of field testing but I think people should definitely enjoy the awesome power of the DOA! Good Luck and Good Hunting!
Been seeing something about your doa on other
sites. Would like to know more,when is it going to be ready for production? What are you making move?
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