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Dirty Politics Deer Management Article F&S

I am glad to see people are starting to seriously consider the future of hunting and what we have to do to have good deer hunting 20 years down the road...
Very good analysis of the situation in Iowa. Hope Litchfield doesn't get fed up with the whole thing and quit. He's a straight shooter and we need him.
Very good analysis of the situation in Iowa. Hope Litchfield doesn't get fed up with the whole thing and quit. He's a straight shooter and we need him.
Braindead will probably make him step down for some unknown reason. Everyone on here needs to forward this to the governors office.
I agree, I wish Biologist Brandstad would read this article. I could NEVER vote for a Dem but I sure wish someone would primary this guy out. Great article, sure hope lots of regular hunting folks not on here are able to see this.
BAM! Right there it is. Excellent article. I know our shotgun group already has been talking about not hunting next year. We all bow hunt, but are all willing to eat tags if we don't see what we want to shoot. Next year the DNR should budget far less income from deer tag sales.

When I went to Jefferson county for 2nd season there were still over 1000 antlerless tags available. Or group hit 15 different farms and maybe seen 20 deer all that first weekend. Hunters are noticing the bad hunting/low numbers and not spending the money on it anymore. We didn't see many others out hunting.
BAM! Right there it is. Excellent article. I know our shotgun group already has been talking about not hunting next year. We all bow hunt, but are all willing to eat tags if we don't see what we want to shoot. Next year the DNR should budget far less income from deer tag sales.

When I went to Jefferson county for 2nd season there were still over 1000 antlerless tags available. Or group hit 15 different farms and maybe seen 20 deer all that first weekend. Hunters are noticing the bad hunting/low numbers and not spending the money on it anymore. We didn't see many others out hunting.
The properties that I hunt are not nearly this bad but it could be with one good successful shotgun drive. This will no doubt have a negative affect on rec land values if it worsens.
Very good analysis of the situation in Iowa. Hope Litchfield doesn't get fed up with the whole thing and quit. He's a straight shooter and we need him.

First thing I thought when I read the article was Tom will be looking for a new job. Then I thought he must walk kinda funny with balls that big. Talk about calling a shovel a shovel.
First thing I thought when I read the article was Tom will be looking for a new job. Then I thought he must walk kinda funny with balls that big. Talk about calling a shovel a shovel.

Fishbonker.........FYI Tom Litchfield, the State Deer Biologist for Iowa, nearly lot his job over the article and interview. He received a written reprimand from his Wildlife Supervisor, along with the possibility of termination of his job. This reprimand goes into his permanent file, which is scrutinized when considered for future promotions, etc. This is what happens when the Governor dictates by executive order. Stand up and tell it like it is and there will be consequences to be paid. This sends a clear message to other DNR officials. Don't make waves because the Governor knows best. We must remove politics from deer management ASAP!
Fishbonker.........FYI Tom Litchfield, the State Deer Biologist for Iowa, nearly lot his job over the article and interview. He received a written reprimand from his Wildlife Supervisor, along with the possibility of termination of his job. This reprimand goes into his permanent file, which is scrutinized when considered for future promotions, etc. This is what happens when the Governor dictates by executive order. Stand up and tell it like it is and there will be consequences to be paid. This sends a clear message to other DNR officials. Don't make waves because the Governor knows best. We must remove politics from deer management ASAP!

His character will carry him well beyond that reprimand. Here's to "walking funny".
This article has been out for quite a while. I had all but given up on people getting fired up and email their representatives and Governor to start letting the DNR do their job. Maybe now the phones will start ringing and inboxs be full. Get after him folks its our only chance to do whats best for our deer herds future.
Brainhead lowered the doe tags only because it was a election year. Watch out for the next 4 yrs we better be ready to fight cause it's not over
Brainhead lowered the doe tags only because it was a election year. Watch out for the next 4 yrs we better be ready to fight cause it's not over

The doe tags were 'lowered' but not really. All they did was cut out the amount of unsold tags from the previous year in most counties. For instance, if for example in 2013 Monroe county had 1,000 doe tags left at the end of the year (hypothetically speaking), that is the number that were cut for 2014.
Fact of the matter is hunters are the last line of defense. We don't have to fill every tag they issue. Its nobody's fault but the hunters if we kill the population into very low numbers. Would it be nice to have more help from those in charge, yes but we control how many we kill, not the gov's office.
Not to be contrary, but I saw more deer in Scott county and Clinton county this weekend than I did in 2013 or 2012.

In the DNR's defense, they did do away with the January antler-less season completely. They went to antlered-only in 5 northwest counties for Shotgun 1.
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