Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Copy of a news letter

How about a long walk off a short pier??
or my personal favorite
Pull your lip over your head and swallow.

You only speak to serve your personal agenda. If you happen to be an Iowa landowner and didn't draw your tag this year, I don't feel sorry for you AT ALL. You knew the rules when you purchased land here, so why gripe about your situation??? It is wrong to financially influence OUR legislatures to serve your interests. Its should be illegal for Iowa campaigners to accept monetary supplements from nonresidents... but for now, we will stand against you and those who try to steal and destroy what us residents hold dear.

Wanna hunt Iowa every year, move here. The End
Serious question: how many of you know for sure you would be directly affected by the increase of non-resident hunters and/or a benefit for non-resident landowning hunters?
I have already been affected by an increase of non-resident hunters in my area. Last year I lost permission to hunt 2 different farms that I have been hunting for 8 years or so. This was because the hunting rights were leased to a group from Michigan. 3 years ago I lost permission to another farm because it was leased to group from out of state. It's happening more and more, especially in southern Iowa. You can look in the local paper and find wants ads every week for people looking for hunting land to lease. One in particular I see frequently includes an out of state phone number.

So to answer your question,I am rather certain that an increase of non-resident hunters or more benefits for non-resident landowners will negatively affect resident hunters. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has been affected already.
Serious question: how many of you know for sure you would be directly affected by the increase of non-resident hunters and/or a benefit for non-resident landowning hunters?

All in all, Iowa has a very limited amount of timbered resource. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how it will shake out. It's already happening.
Doesn’t matter if I am directly affected or not. I will continue the fight for no change in the current rules and regs on behalf of those that have been and will be affected by NR and NRLO encroachment.

Not only will I continue to fight for what is right for the resident hunters of Iowa but so will the IBA and IWF because we have the courage of our convictions. Currently we are the only groups willing to take a public stand on this issue. We catch all the heat and are the demonized groups but we have the nads to out in front on this issue and stand up for all the deer hunters in Iowa.

Wanna help the cause? Join the IBAhttp://www.iowabowhunters.org or sign up for IWFhttp://www.iowawhitetailsforever.com and help insure your hunting heritage is preserved.

One more thing, FOI is all about themselves as individuals. They seek change for their own self gratification whereas the IBA and IWF is all about YOU, the hunters of Iowa. The IBA routinely gives money to charitable organizations and both the IBA and IWF members donate their time to further hunting in Iowa. We don’t sponsor youth doe only hunts on over populated deer sanctuaries and stump them as helping the kids when in reality the kids are doin your deer managing for you. Show me a picture of a free youth hunt where every one of them shoots a B&C buck then you will have impressed me with your generosity.

FOI blithely says they wanna help reduce Iowa’s budget deficit, they want an economic impact study done on what the NR brings into the state. I’m all for that as long as equal time is given to the negative economic impact this would have on the sporting goods stores and other small businesses that are here year round and will no longer be able to sell stuff to locals that have been ousted from their hunting ground. Can’t hunt? Well I guess there isn’t a need to buy any arrows or slugs and oh by the way the trickle down affect that grows exponentially from our generation to the next and the next and the next is devastating. More public ground, yeah, good idea but there is a loss of tax revenue with that too so do you put that in the negative or positive column? The problem with legislatively backed “studies” is the sponsors know what they want the results to show and guarantee the results by controlling the study’s agenda. First rule of politics is never form a committee or do a study unless you have already secured the outcome.

I think I just broke a hip falling off my soap box.

The ‘Bonker
oh by the way the trickle down affect that grows exponentially from our generation to the next and the next and the next is devastating.

Yep, just like with the pheasant hunting trend in this State. There's plenty of kids in this State who's parents quit bird hunting...... and that has meant no hunting exposure for the kids. I know a number of people in that boat.
Serious question: how many of you know for sure you would be directly affected by the increase of non-resident hunters and/or a benefit for non-resident landowning hunters?

Ask that question on a Kansas forum bud, and be ready to see some colorful language...
Vote smart Iowans and keep in contact with you representative govt. You'r dnr still gives me hope for Kansas, though at this point I don't really know why.
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How about a long walk off a short pier??
or my personal favorite
Pull your lip over your head and swallow.

You only speak to serve your personal agenda. If you happen to be an Iowa landowner and didn't draw your tag this year, I don't feel sorry for you AT ALL. You knew the rules when you purchased land here, so why gripe about your situation??? It is wrong to financially influence OUR legislatures to serve your interests. Its should be illegal for Iowa campaigners to accept monetary supplements from nonresidents... but for now, we will stand against you and those who try to steal and destroy what us residents hold dear.

Wanna hunt Iowa every year, move here. The End

THA4: Ironic that you post this in the same week in which you are asking for advice on a free hunt in Minnesota. Luckily you didn't need three preference points for your free hunt. We have a different attitude up here as most Minnesotans welcome you to enjoy our state, and as I stated in your other post, bring your fishing rod, we have great fishing in MN open for both resident and non-resident.

No NR hate from me!
THA4: Ironic that you post this in the same week in which you are asking for advice on a free hunt in Minnesota.

Ironic??? how so? Asking for advise on what time period those who live where he's going hunting would recommend is not even close to trying to change the laws and regulations of a state to benefit yourself. Apples and Oranges pal.

Who said anyone is trying to change the laws Pal? Just pointing out that we don't hate non-residents like some of the members on here do. That isn't apples to oranges.
ya, if you read all my other posts on the subject as closely as you "read" this one, you would see that I have made it perfectly clear that I have NO PROBLEM with NR hunters... NONE!!! In fact I am helping one out this coming fall! What I have a problem with, aside from geniuses like you, are those NRs who feel the rules need to be changed to accommodate their agenda....

I am very appreciative of the opportunities I have to hunt and fish other places, but I never have and never will GRIPE about the rules set in place before and upon my arrival.

Thats life, you should look into one!
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Serious question: how many of you know for sure you would be directly affected by the increase of non-resident hunters and/or a benefit for non-resident landowning hunters?

I do very much so. Look at Illinois perfect example of what not to do imo...

I also want to say everytime these talks get turned into Iowa residents hate nonresidents. I think if you nonresidents would ever meet any of us in person it would be a different story. You will never understand how we feel about keeping our state the way it is because you don't live here. If you lived here I can almost guarantee you'd be saying the exact same things we are. I can't count how many people I know personally that have moved here just for the hunting. Now they are the ones you need to ask if we should up NR tags. Bet you'll get a great big NO. And they've been on both sides of the fence. It's really common sense....
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KBNelson (Kelly).

You really need to take a chill pill and mellow out a bit. Twenty years from now, maybe even ten years from now, after you grow up you will look back at your miss guided and uninformed comments you make on this site and see how wrong you were.

I suspect your dad and his company bought land in Iowa for business reason's, not for you to hunt every year. I will offer some advice for you to think about.

Forget about hunting and put all your effort in school. You can hunt the rest of your life but at your age a good education should come 1st. Then after you graduate if you go into business with your dad, you could simply move across the river and become an Iowa resident. Problem solved.

Between now and then you should really put a muzzle on it cause I think about everyone on this site is getting tired of your comments. Especially since your ignorant to the facts. If you still want to argue with everyone then the wisdom below applies...................
Who said anyone is trying to change the laws Pal? Just pointing out that we don't hate non-residents like some of the members on here do. That isn't apples to oranges.

Did you read any of the rest of this post??? It is all about NR trying to change the laws..... Way differnet than a guy going to another state and hunting and asking advice. Get a clue.
I really hate those guys....

Ok, I stand corrected, I misread the quote above, I thought it said that you really hate those guys.

Deeraddict: Thanks also for pointing out what the topic was, I must have missed that, I stand corrected now as I re-read all the posts I didn't see any hatred or dislike toward NRLO's. Sorry for the mix-up.
Ok, I stand corrected, I misread the quote above, I thought it said that you really hate those guys.

Deeraddict: Thanks also for pointing out what the topic was, I must have missed that, I stand corrected now as I re-read all the posts I didn't see any hatred or dislike toward NRLO's. Sorry for the mix-up.
I think the hatred is aimed at the FOI, and their supporters. It would seem you want to align yourself with the FOI. It has been said many times by people and residents of this good state that we do not want the laws changed for the good of a few NR landowners. We have good deer hunting in this state, but not even most of the residents of this state get near quality bucks. The reason is few public hunting areas, and exclusive private land hunting. Which means if your not related or a very close friend, you probably won't have access to decent trophy hunting. I enjoy members from out of state sharing trail pics and comments on different subjects. I even enjoy the fact many draw to come here and hunt. But i can't stand listening to any of you complaining about how unfair the hunting laws are in this state. Or trying to compare Iowa to any other state. If you don't like our good state; go to a different state deer forum.
I think the hatred is aimed at the FOI, and their supporters. It would seem you want to align yourself with the FOI.

Cedar Creek:

I have no affiliation with FOI, for the first time I checked out their website today. Not sure what to think about them? I am on the site to learn, mostly about habitat/food plots/trees. Learned a lot from Doubletree and many others. I am a NRLO but have never hunted in Iowa, lots of locals have hunted my properties with and without permission though, I guess that is the "way it is".
Ok, I stand corrected, I misread the quote above, I thought it said that you really hate those guys.

Yes, directed at FOI, and I added a little drama for shock appeal...

No worries, I'll let it go this time....

The reason that got changed wasn't because of residents, it was non residents that were cheating the system year after year. It was easy for anyone that wanted to break the law and shoot a buck with their doe tag. The only thing they had to worry about was getting caught taking the buck off the property. Since the rule changed now they can't hunt unless they have a valid anysex tag. Now not all NR's were guilty of this but obviously the DNR had caught enough of them to want to change the rules. The rule wasn't changed to shut NR's out, it was changed to make it easier for our officers to catch the cheaters. Most of the Non residents I hear about getting caught aren't here in the state, it's when they get home and the bragging starts or on their trip home that they get caught.

Who cares what other states do! I care about Iowa, maybe the other states you talk about could learn a few things from Iowa's system. It seems to be working rather well, if it wasn't you all wouldn't be wanting to purchase land here or hunt here!

Like many have said here and many times before, you guys all need to worry about the laws and regs in your own states! You want to change the rules here, then move here!

Oh and another thing, there is no such thing as party hunting during Archery season here in Iowa! That only happens during the shotgun seasons, maybe it was a poor choice of words or maybe-well I won't go there.
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