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Gly resistant ragweed


New Member
I'm looking for suggestions for treating my corn and bean plots this season for giant ragweed that are gly resistant. Suggestions for pre and post emergence and timing. I'm thinking of switching to Liberty link for this year, thoughts on that?
I switched to Liberty beans & corn a few years ago for that reason. Now I’m ready to switch back to try to get a handle on buttonweed!
CORN: ACURON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONE!!!!

If u do anything Aside from that...... liberty - YES (heck- most corn is labeled for both liberty & roundup now days). U gotta do pre-emergents!!!!! Atrazine if u have RUP. You must do dual II magnum or Warrant (s-metolachlor is generic for dual and is not restricted use). Save ur self a whole bunch of headaches in corn and buy generic Callisto. It’s expensive but it’s super low rate so not bad per acre. Those pre-emergents are no brainers in corn. ACURON is atrazine, generic Callisto, s-metolachlor & bicyclopyrone.
If u don’t have RUP- 3 of the 4 ingredients without it (no atrazine) & will likely be in good shape. Could use Simazine as atz sub. U will have NO WEEDS. If u did..... properly timed Liberty + 2,4-d will smoke anything in there. Done. CORN is pretty easy in reality if guys put proper pre’s out to begin with. Really is: spray, plant, walk away - if done right.

BEANS: LIBERTY!!!!! Yes!!!! At burn down, for pre-emergent (residual) add PROWL H2O + S-metolachlor (dual II magnum) (both r not RUP & can buy all over- simple & common). Second spraying: Liberty + s-metolachlor + Flexstar. Again, all commonly available. Smoke weeds if applied at right time. Watch for small weeds & spray. 3 sprayings (including burn down) is worst case scenario if things got bad.

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I have been longing for a cultivator in recent years. Not even kidding. Spent enough time on one years ago to know that I could dramatically clean up these bean plots at a small fraction of the cost...
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