Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. shedcrazy33

    Looking for a new shotgun.

    I have browning silver 20 gauge with a red field reflex sight kind of a cheap eotech but I wouldn't trade that gun for anything I shot a 20 gauge 870 with open sights for 15 yrs and the transition to the silver was easy and amazing
  2. shedcrazy33

    Some recent knives

    I really like the spike knife that will make me look at every spike at work as a possible knife haha
  3. shedcrazy33

    An IW first??

    I also have a trapped a bunch and have always wanted to catch one but have only seen one in Iowa and it's been all of 10 years ago they are definitely a beautiful animal!! Nice pics hopefully u can get a bunch more!
  4. shedcrazy33

    Lab breeders? In the market for a pup this spring

    I have been working with my silver lab pup he is 6 months old and he found his first wild shed last week I have never been so happy!!
  5. shedcrazy33

    First Muzzle Loader

    I bought my wife a buckstalker 2 years ago stainless and she loves it it's super light but when you sight them in make sure u bring your shoulder cause it can be a little rough on the kick but I'm also used to my optima so take that for what it's worth but my wife has killed 2 deer with hers and...
  6. shedcrazy33

    Remington mod 742 Woodsmaster

    I have one in .243 they are a blast to shoot and pretty accurate as well
  7. shedcrazy33

    Lee County numbers?

    Population is hurting really bad down here ehd took a huge toll
  8. shedcrazy33

    Electronic calling coon

    On the lines of the 243 i thought the AR would be a blast and oh it was lol but the fur really suffered haha
  9. shedcrazy33

    Slug Performance

    X2 I love my partition golds
  10. shedcrazy33

    Electronic calling coon

    i started doing it this year and i let me tell you i have never had that much fun shooting coons i set my call up next to a den about 20 yards and i play the coon puppies sound first for the whole duration if nothing i will switch to the fighting sound and if that one doesnt get any reaction...
  11. shedcrazy33

    Regs question for coon humting

  12. shedcrazy33

    Trapping update

    I feel you pain I absolutly hate catching grinners in my cat sets you do so much work making a set perfect then grinner just destroys it!!
  13. shedcrazy33

    Scent around water

  14. shedcrazy33

    Hay Bale Blind Help

    Use chicken wire that's wat we did with ours lay the mat down and put the chicken wire over it
  15. shedcrazy33

    LaCrosse Customer Service

    When I sent mine back I sent them straight to lacrosse and put a letter telling them what happen and they sent me new ones
  16. shedcrazy33

    LaCrosse Customer Service

    I had a pair blow out in three months I sent them in and they sent me a brand new pair
  17. shedcrazy33

    Lodging: Chariton - Albia Area

    The white buffalo in Albia isnt too bad of a place and Bogies is a must if you are in the area
  18. shedcrazy33

    Firearms Questions?

    Depends on the muzzleloader you plan to buy many brands you still have to paperwork
  19. shedcrazy33

    Impressive doesn't say it...

    very impressive!!!
  20. shedcrazy33

    IW window sticker

    You and me both!!!
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