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09 Season Finale


New Member
Not really a finale more of the same. Getting my butt kicked by a stupid bird. Went out Sunday evening with my bow and chair only so I wouldn't have to carry a bunch of stuff out. The blind was already set-up. Got out about 5:30 a little latter than I wanted but mom called and had the mower stuck so I made a short detour to get her pulled out.
Got to the blind and moved it about 10 yards inside the timber where birds have gone by before getting ready to roost and it's more open. By 6 I had some limbs trimmed up and brushed the blind in for the first time. Almost 7pm I had 6 deer come in. Didn't really spook they hung around at 25 to 50 yards for about 30 minutes. Mostly at 50 yards. This was also the first time I left the shoot thru screens off and dressed in black. That's definately the way to go. I've had trouble seeing stuff when the sun starts going down with the screens on. Well the deer finally move on after a nice show.
About 10 til 8pm 2 jakes kinda snuck in on me. At about 25 yards they were heading for a nice clearing. I got drawn back and everything was looking good but stopping wasn't on there planner I guess. I made some noise still nothing. There went my nice open area. Now they're in some little saplings and I'm trying to get one to stop. Well I finally made enough noise one stopped looking staight at me figured him to still be about 25 yards so I put the 20 yard pin at the base of his neck and let it fly!! Stike 3 I'm done. I heard the arrow rattling off what seemed like every little tree out there. Not sure if I hit something on the way or just missed I going with the first. I didn't think I hit him so I waited til after shooting hours were over which was only about 10 minutes. I went to inspect to area he was and saw nothing. He didn't seem hit or act like he even knew what happened they just walked off the way they came.
40+/- hours in a blind 3 shots and 15 birds under 25 yards and no kill. Well after that I took a 30 yard shoot on an old rotten stump and killed the heck out that. So I can't blame it on the bow.
Last year I couldn't get a bird within 100 yards, this year I can't shoot the dumb bird.
The one thing that stands out other than calling in my first birds for my sons first turkey hunt which he missed to.(like father like son) Was heading home from a morning hunt I pulled out of the driveway and there was a hen crossing the road she got spooked as I drove toward her and headed into the ditch bounced off the fence a couple times then turned around and headed back across the road.
Well now it's time to get too some 3-D shoots and get ready for deer season then prepare for some revenge in 2010!! Maybe a fall tag.
Ahh don't feel too bad, I had 7 birds and 10 shots with a bow and didn't kill one. To sum it up, I suck :) I just couldn't get er done!!! Finally, I took out the big stick and got one. :)
where exactly are you aiming on the turkeys. I read that you put your 20 yard pin on the base of his neck, That is a very small target. At twenty five yards I would just put the pin right on him and let him eat. Unless you are shooting a guillotine or something similar. It could be you are just overcompensating for drop and shooting over the crazy birds. Just trying to help you out.
I was thinking it was over 25 yards but a little under 30 so I figured it to drop a couple inches. I'm just using a regular broadhead.
Turkeys are the dangest things. They look so big but yet so hard to hit square. Shooting turkeys is a game of inches, and if you off just a half inch all you get is feathers. Even with the ol mighty rangefinder its still not a slam dunk. Way to stick with it and hope you get one next season.
Very true. I got some feathers from my first shot attempt kept one as a reminder to take my time didn't seem to work.
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