Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2006 Doe Harvest

60. Killed one yesterday evening after being in the tree 15 minutes. Ran only 30yds--out into the cut corn field--drove the truck to her. Had her qtrd. by dark.Gotta love it when it's that easy.
Got one tonight - my second one of the season. Saw 14 does and fawns in the woods tonight. Practically have to shoot them in self-defense. Number 61.
hello all , Im back. and you can add two more from me..............that makes 79.............. <font color="666666"> </font> <font color="green"> </font>
Make that 83
10/07/2006, My 13 year old son shot a big doe at 6:40 p.m. and I shot a little doe at 6:50 p.m. We saw them both go down and they ended up falling 25 yards away from each other. This was his seccond bow kill ever. We both were pumped!
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