Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2012 first southern iowa bow buck


i just moved to southern iowa from the boone county iowa area and finaly sat got permission to hunt a farm and already tagged out on my first south ia buck not to good shot placement he turn alot farther then i thought but i did find him...... be easy on how bad the shot placement was.....


If you were goin' for a Texas heart shot you weren't that far off!! Congrats on your success!
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Had one spin hard on me at the shot a few years ago and made an almost identical hit...except it really was an almost perfect Texas Heart Shot. Didn't make it a hundred yards.

Congrats on a great buck...he'll look great on the wall :way:

The first deer i ever killed, i made a similar shot to that. I got lucky and hit the artery and she sprayed blood all the way to the end. Congrats on the buck!
Nice Buck. First buck I ever shot was a ground stalk in 30 mph winds he was quatering away I let her fly and thought I hit him in the pump house. We waited an hour and got on the blood trail. He bled bad. We caught up to him before he totally expired and I had to put another arrow in him. My other arrow was sticking out the rear qauter and after examining him he was hit in the corotted artery and had a broken femur. Needless to say I got a little grief....!
Yea this will the 4thhouse buck on the wall not the biggest but first.southern iowa. Just move here from boone county . NOT REGRETING IT AT ALLL :D:D:D:D
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