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2nd bowtag filled on a double beard


PMA Member
I filled my 2nd bowtag yesterday on a cool looking bird, that I have been watching and patterning with the cameras. A classic older bird that turns tail and beats it, at the sight of decoys or any of my calling. I mowed a hens nest last week, so she had to start over. He had been with her the last 2 mornings and she always led him north up the field. When I saw him with her yesterday, I grabbed my stuff, hustled around the hill and waited on them at the north end. 20 minutes after digging in she led him past at 28 yards. The shot was good, and he dropped. He has 2 barred tailfeathers and a double beard, which made him easy to identify.

wt. 24.2 lbs
left spur 1 3/8ths
right spur 1 3/8ths
beard 10.1 extra beard 6"












Its been a fun turkey season, now I just need to get Colton his bird. The problem is, the seasons over sunday and he is running at the state track meet thursday thru saturday. I asked him if he wants me to pick him up a shotgun tag, but he said its bow or nothing.
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Nice bird Joe. Guess I am not the only one hunting that has birds leaving after seeing a blind or decoys. Have you had any trespassers or have they just been in our area?
Thanks guys. KPM- I have not caught any, just some fence sitters. Have you caught guys on yours? Locals you think? The birds are definately educated now, and real spooky. If a vehicle even slows down, they are gone. A month ago I could not chase them off the road.
Hell of a season for you Joe, and great bird to boot. I'm sure you'll be posting pictures of Colton's bird before Sunday evening rolls around! Thanks for sharing the great pictures and story!
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