2nd season 2009


I shot him on a turnip plot the second to last day of second season..not a giant but alright in my book

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Very nice! Congrats! Looks like a tremendous deer. :way:


thanks guys he scored 144 3/8 as an 8 and was 20 and 3/4 wide to answer your question...i was actually hoping to let this deer go another year..had him on cam all summer then didnt see him on cam again until nov 12.. i went to my stand the next day and had him at 12 yards and passed, as the days went on i continued to see this buck. well after passing numerous times 2nd season finally rolled around and i saw him again.. this time he wasnt in very good shape..limping very bad and had a huge puss pocket nder his rear and i decided that i had better take him.. so i did..still a great deer in my book... young gun had the chance to be one of those monster gangly 8 points haha but now hes going on my wall