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31 Year old Brown Bear Finished

Man that would be my dream hunt. Only I would love to shoot one with a bow. Could be my last too. LOL

Good one! :D

Congrats on the great bear, that is wild that it was that old. That is a true trophy and a hunt to remember for a liftetime.

The question needs to be asked though...was it a 31 year old OR a 31-1/2 year old? :grin:
Geesh, what is their average lifespan? Looking at those teeth I wouldn't think much longer.
he had to be on a berry only diet!!!

The bear was checked in at the Dillingham Ak field office, their speculation was the same as the outfitters. The bear maybe weighed 900+ lbs. down 3-400Lbs from his prime, this was more than likely his last hibernation due to the fact he had no fat supply, he should have had 3-5", he had been on a fish and berry diet, eating berries when I shot him at 15 yards unaware of my presense. He was 12 miles inland from Bristol Bay, less than a mile from the mountains where he was to den. They were probably right, after their worst winter in 10 years it may have been his last. A true warrior of the Togiak with a wealth of stories that would be a great book of 31 years on the last frontier. Thanks for reading!jeff~
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