Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Age and Score


Only have this pic of him, Ive seen him a few times and he has about a 22" spread with split brows. What do you guys think his age is and what he scores. This pic was from last year during the rut.

upload the photo first, then 'right click' on the image (full size) and click on 'copy image location'

then, when you post, hit the 'image' button below and paste the link into the 'pop-up' menu that comes up. Then it should show up. Preview your message to see if that works...hope this helps.

Guys, help me out if I'm saying something wrong...trying to do this from memory

oh, and great looking buck...looks old to me, but again, it's during the rut!
Possibly past his prime...he looks old.

Not going to score out that well because of no tine length, but would probably go around 150
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