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Allison's October Decoy Buck!


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Allison has had quite a season, full of more lows (activity) than highs. Her persistance paid off on October 17th, 2011 with a beautiful main frame 8. I'll let her tell the story........

This summer my dad got a food plot ready for us to hunt on. It grew very little because there was no rain forever. Luckily it rained and it finally took off growing. My first hunt we went to the food plot. We sat till dark not seeing a thing. Oh well, that hunt was fun and my dad and I enjoyed it. The next hunt we hunted the food plot again. That time we saw two small 4 point bucks and about a 120inch buck. I decided to pass them all up. I was going to take the bigger buck but I just was not excited about taking him and I didn’t want to take him and not be happy with him.

The next hunt we sat by some hay bails. We didn’t see anything while hunting, but when we were packing up we heard something. We looked up and saw a doe running away from our blind. The next hunt we tried hunting in the spot we saw a big buck last year. No luck, we didn’t see a thing except my little mice friends.:D Next we hunted a spot very close to where we hunted last time. We didn’t see anything until after the hunt. When we were walking out dad stopped to tell me something when we heard bucks fighting in the bottom below us. Dad looked though the binoculars and saw about 5 deer. They were coming up the hill towards us so we dropped over the back side of the hill and got to the truck as fast as we could with out spooking them. Dad told me that he could tell that the bucks that were fighting were mature.

The next night I was going to go to a volleyball game but I decided to go hunting instead. We hunted in the bottom were we saw the bucks fighting. We decided to set up the decoy for the first time this year. For the first 30 minutes we prayed as we always do, and I slept. Then a little 4 point buck came out. He walked around the decoy for about 20 minutes acting like he was going to ram it. He pawed he ground and circled the decoy. About the time we thought he was going to ram it a doe came out. The little buck watched her a while but then started looking to the right of us. Dad took his ear muffs off in time to hear two grunts. Just then the big boy came out. He saw the decoy and was walking towards it ready to fight. I tried to get my gun up as fast and as quite as I could but the little buck spotted me. He came about 4 yards away from us acting very suspicious. I was still trying to get my gun up before he spooked and ran. When I got it up and ready dad said to shoot. I shot and he ran about 45 yards, fell and rolled down the hill. We got the hunt on video and the video shows my excitement after the shot.

I’m glad now that I didn’t go to that volleyball game, or I may not have gotten this deer!


And the pose that OneCam and Old Buck made famous!

Back to Dad.....
I am very proud of my little girl (not so little anymore). She passed bucks, not because of anyone else's standards but her own. She decided that she wasn't going to shoot something that didn't excite her. Thn when the momen of truth came she performed like a pro. Getting her gun up without a blind and a small buck staring at us from less than 4 yards proved to be quite a challenge but she succeeded.
The video of the hunt is a little shakey as my wife threw away the camera base for the tripod thinking it was a broken toy.:confused: I had to hand hold the camera, coach her, and try to get some decent footage.
Allison is excited to score her buck but we haven't doe it yet. Thanks for tagging along!:way:
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What is it with your kids and big pig 8's? You"re secretly having them kill management bucks so you don't have to? We're on to ya now. :grin:

But seriously, congrats to your girl on a stud, and congrats to you. Way to be a roll model :way:
Wayne, you sure got a lot to be proud of as a Dad...I really really enjoyed reading the story of the hunt from Allison's perspective.

Another rock solid buck for a rock solid family:way::way::way:

hey, them kiddos set the bar pretty high for dad this year:D I'm betting that your season is made already through their successes, though:way:
Holy G3's! Nice buck!! :way: But an even better story, congrats to father and daughter!!
As I've said to you, Allison, and Trenton a couple of times: I wear size 7-1/8 ball cap and XL shirt/sweatshirt. Very nice buck, Allison!! What are the chances of your dad letting you out of school to be my guide when I'm back next weekend for a week or two? :way: I'll do your homework for you so you don't fall behind!! :D
That's awesome Wayne! Tell her congrats! You have a lot of catching up to do if you want to compete with those youngsters this season! HAHAHAHAHA Great start to your season!
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