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Amazing Hunt

I've been following the stories here and watching shows about decoys so last Sunday bought a CarryLite. Decided yesterday it was time to try it and I'm still all jacked up. :grin

Placed my decoy at the base of a large oak with a sapling close on the other side and some weeds behind it. This is on an open ridge in my woods. At 4:15 a buck ran a doe south of me and they ran into some woods on the other side of the ridge. I thought nothing to loose so did some rattling followed by some grunts and doe bleats. A minute or two passed and the buck comes to the edge and is looking my way so I did some more grunts and bleats. He went back in the brush after the doe.Then I see the doe heading out southwest down the ridge so I rattled again. The buck popped out of the brush looking my way again so did the grunt bleat thing once more. The buck was about 90 yds away and starts my way. He was walking pretty stiff legged and at 30 yards his ears start going back and his hair stands up. Now I'm wishing for a video camera. At 10 yards he's posturing, ears completely laid back. He walks up less than a foot from the face of the decoy and stares it in the eye goes to the side turns his head and pile drives the decoy. Parts fly everywhere, my decoy exploded. Head and neck lay 4 feet away, one ear lays off to the side and the tail is knocked off the body also. The decoy body is laying on top of the sapling which is now flat on the ground. The buck who has gone through/over my deke spins around for another go and just stands there looking at the pieces. After a couple minutes he walks around the carnage and just stood for a while. Every time he'd start to walk away he would go back to look at the pieces. On one of his trips back in he grunted several times whill looking at the pieces. Finally left after about 10 minutes. From the time he came in his was never farther away than 15 yds. I had a constant shot at him for 15 minutes with most of the time him being downwind of me. He walked right through my wind on the way to the decoy. He was a 2 1/2 year old 8 pt. With both G-2s having 3 inch splits near the tops. I thought several times about shooting him to cap off an incredible hunt but decided everything that had happened was already over the top so I let him walk. He had some length so will be a dandy in a year or two. I just can't believe this happened the first time I took out the decoy.

Makes me wonder what will happen to him when he runs into a dominate buck after destroying that buck(decoy).

Allamakee Grand Slam

Sorry it's a long story but I'm still pumped.

AWESOME story! After seeing something like that I'm betting the bow doesn't leave the truck without the decoy in the other hand! Cool story.
Loren, I have a carry lite also. Haven't had the experience you had but I don't know if any bucks have actually seen the decoy. Did you use any scent with your decoy??? Great hunt!
Loren, almost exactly the same thing happened to me thursday night. I had the decoy set up about 20 yards from a scrape in a fairly open spot. About 4:30 a doe cruises past my stand up wind about 40 yards away. Thinking there may be a buck following I got ready. Sure enough here comes a small 10 pointer. I knew I wasn't gonna shoot but I thought it would be a perfect time to try to call him back. I give a couple of short grunts and he turns and comes in on a rope. As soon as he see's the decoy he was looking for a fight. He circles the decoy at 20 feet or so, then when he's head on with it and less than 10 feet away he put's his head down and charges. The head an antler and both ears went flying. I had on of the horns off already. Of course the decoy is laying there now and the proud looking buck takes a last look at his beatin up rival and walks away without doing any lasting damage. It was definatly worth the price of admission.......
How much do decoys cost, and what are some good brands that I could buy?
Waukon 1, nope on the scents just sprayed it with scent killer.

RIDGErunner, I bought a Carrylite, with tax at Cabelas and your right at $150.00

Allamakee Grand Slam
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