Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Another age/score on a 12pt

Another age & score on a 12pt

Here he is....we saw him for the first time last yr so I don't have any history to know how old he is but last year he was a 10pt and this yr he grew the g5's. I believe he is 2nd oldest buck I have staying on this property.
Let me know your thoughts!

Click on video below

Click on video below

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Love the 6x6. He even has a tuft of hair identifying where you need to stick him by his shoulder :)
I'm thinking 4.5 as well. Any idea on a score? Ive got a number in my head and cant decide if he is there yet or could wait another year or two.
Gotta be older than 3, hes at least 4 with a gut like that and overall body size.

Has those really knotty bases too. I'd call him old enough to shoot.
My best guess would be low to mid 150's. I say that because he doesn't have great mass, short 5's and mediocre brows and 2's. just a WAG though with only 2 pics to go off of.
Very nice buck. The last buck picture is not the same buck, correct? Brow tines are different and tine lengths don't match up.
Very nice buck. The last buck picture is not the same buck, correct? Brow tines are different and tine lengths don't match up.

You are correct, I added the wrong pic of him. I added another video of him that gives you a better look at him from a front view.
Can anyone break it down as for how much you think it would measure out to be? I do enjoy reading all the WAG's tho! This guy is going to be hard to decide on shotting if i get the chance at him!
Can anyone break it down as for how much you think it would measure out to be? I do enjoy reading all the WAG's tho! This guy is going to be hard to decide on shotting if i get the chance at him!

24 inch beams

4 inch brows
5 inch 2's
9 inch 3's
9 inch 4's
1 inch 5's
4 inch mass average=16

68 inches per side=136
Spread at 18


My original estimate was high 40's so I'll stick with somewhere between 148-154.
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