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Are you an IBA Member?



Iowawhitetail has been a longtime advocate of the Iowa Bowhunters Association. If you are not already a member we strongly recommend becoming one, it's inexpensive, easy and most of all to a good cause - protecting our bowhunting future in Iowa.

We also learned this year all new IBA members will be placed in a drawing for a new Mathews Legacy!

Also the member that signs up the most new members will win a free Antelope Hunt.

Iowawhitetail.com staff
I've said this before but I think it bears repeating. If you care about bowhunting, if you care about the deer herd in Iowa, if you care about the future of either of the above, if you are concerned about our legislature controlling the deer herd or wildlife management or if you want your voice heard by the DNR then an IBA membership is the place to invest a few of your hard earned dollars. If you aren't already a member do it today.

We can complain all we want on this forum but an IBA membership is getting something done. It is a great way to give something back to the resource.
I could not agree more with what Old Buck has just said.....
I also voted....
Yes I voted. I never joined due to the fact that I never knew much about the organization and also my hunting money is limited so I'm real careful where it goes.

Gotcha Jethro! Awesome pic!

Come on all you guys and gals with zero and one post this is your chance to break the ice with a simple vote and a one word post!
voted and yes I am a new member, have always thought about joining since I enjoy bowhunting so much, just never got around to it. I joined the Mid Iowa Archers club which gives me a IBA membership.

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