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Arrow Rests


Active Member
Ok so right now I have an old school trophy taker the original, pronghorn I think? Well anyway, I am a little bit worried about my arrow coming off the rest as I've had it come off a couple times just shooting at home.

I am looking for a full containment system and am looking twoards a whisker biscuit otherwise I'd like to stay with a drop away. What are your guys' thoughts?
I switched to the PSE Top Gun Phantom rest, it is simply awesome for a containment drop away rest.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bowhuntr311</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Rip Cord.

Ditto /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I switched to the PSE Top Gun Phantom rest, it is simply awesome for a containment drop away rest.

PSE </div></div>

Just looked at this rest. Is there a spring tied on in the middle of the cord?
Full Quiver, the pics looks like there is but Andy (Double A) didn't put one on mine and it works SLICK!! I am so damn cheap that it really takes a lot to make me spend money, this rest is one of my best purchases and I truly believe that.
Thanks for the input guys. I really like the ripcord and the QAD Pro. Does the ripcord go down when you let down or is it like the QAD and stay up until it is actually shot?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shadowpeople</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does the ripcord go down when you let down or is it like the QAD and stay up until it is actually shot?</div></div>

Ripcord will go back down if you have to let off. Pretty easy to put back up with your thumb.

There is a little clicking noise when you do it, so I suppose on a very still day it might spook a deer. ???
Yea its not all the way upright until you come to absolute full draw then it will let all the way down. Or you can manually turn it up and back down.
You must have some nock pinch if the arrow is coming off the rest in your backyard shooting at targets...

I can see belly crawling on an antelope, but not in the backyard... either that or it is not rising at the right time and it is only comming up at the end of the draw cycle when the cam roles over and throwing the arrow off...

Either way something is not right if you cannot keep it on the arrow rest in the backyard...
I have always been a little skepticle about the Whisker Bisquit rest. The one things that has always been preached to me since i started shooting bows 30+ years ago was that nothing should come in contact with my fletching. This is my main concern with the WB. My son has one on his bow and he seems to like it a lot. He hasn't had it all that long and really has only shot a half dozen arrows through it. My concern is how rough this type of rest is on fletchings. I prefer the QAD drop away arrow rest myself. That is what I had on my old bow. My new bow does not have one, but it will by the time 3D season rolls around.
I also had a T.T for 2 years and this year switched to the Spot Hogg whammy and it is awsome! I love how the rest stays in the upright position all the time till you release.
Be careful putting a QAD on a Hoyt -- not sure what you shoot. I tried EVERYTHING to get my QAD Pro to work on my Trykon, I spent lots of time on the phone with QAD tech support; I'll admit, they tried to be helpful. After a couple of weeks experimenting I finally sold it and bought a WB, which I absolutely love. The QAD did work well on my Q2, but it just wouldn't clear the blazers on the hoyt.
I got a QAD on my Hoyt viper tech. Works fine. I'm using quick spins though. I had Fin and Feather put it on. Took them about 15 minutes maybe. Shoots great. Better than what that other big outdoors store in I.C. sent me how with after dropping about $850 on the new bow and accesories.
I guess the question I have is if the Whisker Biscuit is hard on arrow fletchings or not. I know a lot of people shoot them that could answer this. I am sure unless they are not properly aligned they would be more than hard on fletchings by throwing your arrow off course. But, over time, with a properly aligned Whisker Biscuit, does the fletching take a beating?
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