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Be proud to be a new bowhunter!

Old Buck

Life Member
One thing I've noticed on the 'years of bowhunting' thread is several new bowhunters appologizing for not having many years of experience. DON'T APPOLOGIZE! We all had our first year. Be excited! You are starting a new hobby that can last you much of the rest of your life and povide untold hours of outdoor fun, relaxation and sometimes excitement.

I think most long time bowhunters would join me in welcoming you to the ranks of this fraternity. Do you notice how hard people here try to help eachother out, especially new comers? (Am I correct on this 'old timers'?)

So stand tall. Be proud. It is a grand sport and I think you are going to love it.

If you have questions or problems, ask for help! I think it is clear by now that we have a tremendous experience and knowledge base to work from.

Now, lets see, if I could back up 35 years and start out again with the knowledge, advice, equipment, deer herd, and big bucks now available, how much fun could I have?

Good Hunting!
Old Buck
As usual you are right on the money Old Buck. I wish I had all these people to talk to when I was just starting.
Although I have 15 years of deer hunting experience I did respond hesitantly on the total bow hunting years post (One year bow hunting). I get a lot from my interaction with hunters here and I really enjoy the exchanges with different personalities.

By the way, Headgear you’ll notice I don’t look as if I’ve been dropped on my head any more. Onecam gave me some therapy and I am all better.

My sons and I love this site and all the great info the members bring to it. I am sure we are light year ahead of where we would be, as bow hunters, with out all of the experience shared here. Thanks to all and we look forward to meeting many of you at the classic.
Thanks Nonres. It's amazing what you can do with these computers now a days. I never had him officially scored but Rack and I put the tape on him and he fell in the mid 130's to 140 range.
I keep telling my wife a guy could do worse things.....

Being new is not a dishonor. It must be something special to keep people doing it until they can no longer draw the bow.

We do not want the adventure to die with us.
Headgear, I'll have both of my boys with me. Madisonb&c or Nate age 16 and Zach age 13. I am really looking forward to the whole thing. Take a look at the post my son put up last night. It is a road kill deer that I posed with. He is getting a lot of replies. So far he has not told anybody it was a road kill although Limbchicken must have looked at the properties and figured it out. I always get my picture taken with somebody else’s deer even if the lady in front of me on the Hwy got it with her Chevy at zero yards
Every bow hunter on here started with one year of experience. The two most important things I can pass on are:

1. Enjoy the sport, learn and grow in hunting skills, ethics, and morals. The only way to get experience is to get older and the older you get the more you understand nature's rules. Some of us have 25 years of experience, and some of us have 1 year experience 25 times. Make sure of what you will say 25 years from now.

2. Make sure you give something back to the sport. That might be in the form of support to the many outdoors organizations like IBA, NWTF, PF or any of the others. Get involved! Someone led you into bowhunting, do the same for someone else. When there are no new bowhunters with one year experience the end of bow hunting can only be 40 or 50 years away.

Good luck to all you new people! This is one addiction you can enjoy and share.
Amen to that Old Buck! I needed a site like this while learning to bowhunt 20 years ago. Welcome all newcomers and please ask questions, if one of us don't know the answer it's a good chance the others probably will. We can all stand for a little reminding now and then.

I look back at some of the mistakes I made and laugh, but that's all part of learning as you go. If you are anything like I was at a young age you thought you had them mature bucks figured out more than once
. Then the next year you don't even see one and your back at square one again
. Then reality sets in for 9-10 months to proove it again.

Like Old Buck said, stand tall be excited about learning your new hobby. If you make a mistake that just confirms your human. Convert that mistake to a lesson and move on.

Headgear how much are you paying onecam, I swear those antlers in your pic keep getting bigger!
What did he score?
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