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Between pins, what do you guys do?


PMA Member
When you guys get between your pins (if you use pins), what do you? Do you use your same pin ( for ex. 20 yard pin) and hold high or do you use your 30 yard pin and aim low.

I have always been an aim high guy, but wanted to get your guys' opinions.
Better to have a low hit than high imo....plus, most hunters don't shoot as well as an olympic shooter anyway. Pick a pin and let it fly!
I shoot between the pins. A 35 yard shot goes right between my 30 and 40 yard pins.
LYON said:
I shoot between the pins. A 35 yard shot goes right between my 30 and 40 yard pins.

Yep. I constantly practice gap shooting to where I would feel comfortable taking a 70 yard shot using my 60 yard pin (last pin) as a reference.
you got to practice shooting with pins and between the pins. I have 5 pins, short is 20 yards, long one is 60. if its 55, I go between 50 and 60 yard pin. if its 52, 1/32 inch under the pin
I have a three pin sight. My pins are set for 15, 30, 45 yards. I shoot using the gaps also. With my set up and my pins set like this it gives me a little room for error if I judge the yardage a little off.
i dont care what anyone says, shooting 70 yds at an animal with a bow is irresponsible! bowhuntin is about gettin close to the animal.
i dont care what anyone says, shooting 70 yds at an animal with a bow is irresponsible! bowhuntin is about gettin close to the animal.

Define "close". Is it 10 yards, 20 yards or the distance YOU feel confident in shooting??? I personally won't be shooting at a deer 70 yards away because I don't practice that far. But to tell someone who does practice and may be more accurate at 70 than you or I am at 30 that it's irresponsible is just being dumb. Not trying to say you're not accurate at 30 or any distance, just trying to make my point. Don't tell someone, or in this case everybody, what distance they are or aren't allowed to shoot.
i dont care what anyone says, shooting 70 yds at an animal with a bow is irresponsible! bowhuntin is about gettin close to the animal.

like how close? I am worry the deer will pick up human's scent or maybe little nosie and take off
i dont care what anyone says, shooting 70 yds at an animal with a bow is irresponsible! bowhuntin is about gettin close to the animal.
You realize the person that stated that hunts mainly out west where those kinds of shots are common. Out there sometimes the cover doesn't allow you to always get in the "chip shot" range. The goal of every bowhunter is to try and get as close as possible, but sometimes it doesn't work. I practice out to 70 as well, but have zero stands that will allow me to take that far of a shot. But being prepared to take that shot is something I like to be in the odd circumstance that I try to stalk and bedded buck during the rut, or have to try to make a follow up shot on a deer I am trailing.
I shot an antelope at 78 yards last weekend. Getting within 80 yards out there is like getting within 40 in Iowa. I wont shoot at a deer past 40 because I set up so I cant. I gap shoot as well if between yardage.
bigbuckhunter88 said:
You realize the person that stated that hunts mainly out west where those kinds of shots are common. Out there sometimes the cover doesn't allow you to always get in the "chip shot" range. The goal of every bowhunter is to try and get as close as possible, but sometimes it doesn't work. I practice out to 70 as well, but have zero stands that will allow me to take that far of a shot. But being prepared to take that shot is something I like to be in the odd circumstance that I try to stalk and bedded buck during the rut, or have to try to make a follow up shot on a deer I am trailing.

Thank you, buddy! You are absolutely correct in that hunting out west rarely lends itself to having a 20 yard pin (although I keep mine for some reason). I am far from irresponsible, but I suppose (just to humor this guy; not that I really have to defend myself to him) I should clarify that I will ONLY take that 60-70 yard shot if I am standing and have solid footing on the ground. I would never take a 60+ yard shot from a tree stand. I will probably do away with my 20 yd pin and have 30 be my closest, thus actually having a 70 yard pin, since it is more realistic of western hunting.

I have a couple of friends that have taken elk at 70 yards and in both cases (mechanicals, even) their arrows had full penetration, taking both lungs (one quartering away) and lodging in the off shoulder, breaking ribs on both sides. In both cases, habitat and terrain wouldn't allow a closer shot.

Thanks for having my back!!
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i have been shooting from a stand in my yard and use the same pin out to 25 yards. i do hit high at close shots but the downward angle of the shot puts the tip of the arrow behind the bullseye when it would hit vitals. am i missing something, or will i miss something, come hunting time? my shots will be close at deer, within 30 yards and i plan to shoot all shots with the same pin
I have a one pin sight and I practice out to 100 yards weekly, this improves your close range shooting tremendously and also if u wanna shoot them longer shots and u are comfortable then it's handy. There's a lot of ppl that only shoot 20 and 30 yards, and to me that's irresponsible, my wife can shoot pie plate size groups at 50 and I hear about men the cant shoot 30. People need to realize when u practice out to 100 yards then u absolutely can kill deer out to 70 yards comfortably. Unless u guys are shooting old dinosaur bows u should be able to shoot AT LEAST 60 without problems.
tyhambone said:
I have a one pin sight and I practice out to 100 yards weekly, this improves your close range shooting tremendously and also if u wanna shoot them longer shots and u are comfortable then it's handy. There's a lot of ppl that only shoot 20 and 30 yards, and to me that's irresponsible, my wife can shoot pie plate size groups at 50 and I hear about men the cant shoot 30. People need to realize when u practice out to 100 yards then u absolutely can kill deer out to 70 yards comfortably. Unless u guys are shooting old dinosaur bows u should be able to shoot AT LEAST 60 without problems.

I don't know if I agree with some of this. I can shoot a decent group at 60 but if i have a good deer at 60 I'm more than likley not going to take that shot no matter how many times I have practiced it. I'm not going to risk making a bad shot and a good deer. It may just be the way I hunt but the farthest I'm willing to shoot is going to be 40 yards, not because It's the farthest that I can shoot but It's because when i see a shooter I start getting the jitters probably like all other hunters.
Personally, I agree a 70 yard shot at an animal is irresponsible. Think about what a 10 mph cross wind does to a bullet travelling at 2000 fps. Now think about what a 5 mph wind will do to an arrow at 300 fps. How big is a deers vitals? If you feel like you need to shoot at an animal that far away I would ask are you really enjoying the whole experience of hunting or are trying to kill something in order to feel like you accomplished something. Would you shoot at a doe that far away? Just askin
I have shot does at 70 yards, I have never shot at a buck that far, and idk if I would or not, but if I'm in the mood to shoot a doe, and there's one 70 yards, I will shoot her everytime.
I practice to 70 yds, and have shot and killed ethically does at 60 yds.. never wounded one... not saying that I do this everyday, but I do practice that far... and honestly, I dont feel like between my pins is that much difference, so I usually just pick and shoot..
Most the guys I shoot with practice to at least 60 yards, and then the guys that come shoot that only shoot 20-40 end up sighting there bows in farther also and usually surprise themselves how accurate they are. They don't like coming to my house and getting schooled by my wife, although it happens a lot.
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