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Black pheasant??



This past weekend, me and a few friends did a little pheasant hunting in central iowa, We were doing a drive for some birds when we noticed a very dark bird flying ahead of us, we all thought it was a juvenule rooster. We eventually shot it and it turns out it was a phesant we didn't know if it was a hen or rooster? It was very dark in color and had spurs on it's legs. It was smaller than most juvenule roosters. We didn't know if it was an off bread or just a crazy genetic triat that wasn't common. Has any one else run into this before? Just curious is all. I will post a picture to see what you all may think. I'ts kinda neat looking.
Others may know more about black pheasants, but up here in NW Iowa a guy that raised some of them and had a few get loose. I saw a hen with 3 chicks this spring and she looked just like a normal pheasant but black, the chicks were yellow. Maybe the same thing happened by you. Al
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