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Blackmag "Flash" Pan Powder


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Blackmag Introduces "Flash" Pan Powder

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:City alt=
</st1:City>Colebrook, <st1:State w:st="on">New Hampshire-</st1:State> BlackMag Industries of <ST1:p<st1:City w:st="on">Colebrook</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="on">New Hampshire</st1:State>, makers of BlackMagXP muzzleloader propellant, a proven blackpowder replacement propellant, has introduced a new product to their powder line.

Called "FLASH," the new powder is the first blackpowder replacement specifically designed for the flash pan in flintlock muzzleloaders. Like BlackMag XP, "Flash" is non-hygroscopic, is moisture resistant and is actually recoverable after exposure to moisture, has a low ignition temperature to ensure faster, sure-fire ignitions and is non-fouling, is non corrosive, non-toxic and biodegradeable. The granulation size of "Flash," 40 to 50 microns in size, is comparable to FFFG blackpowder and is designed to optimize ignition in both old and new style flintlock flash pans with varying flash hole sizes. "Flash" is designed solely as a priming powder in flintlock muzzleloaders, and should not be used in the bore as a primary charge.

"We realize in today's muzzleloading market the number of flintlocks used is comparatively small," says Craig Sanborn, President and CEO of BlackMag Industries. "But it is an important and dedicated fraternity, and with blackpowder becoming increasingly difficult to find we wanted to provide a reliable and viable alternative."

The new "Flash" powder will be packaged in convenient 150-grain, waterproof speed loaders designed for field application.

For more information both dealers and consumers are invited to contact BlackMag Industries directly or visit the company's web site at www.BlackMagPowder.com.

Al Raychard [email protected] or (207) 247-8633
Craig Sanborn/BMI President [email protected] (802)676-3311

This post is for informational purposes only. I am not affiliated with this manufacture/company and I am not receiving any compensation for this post.

From what I've been hearing about it I guess it works ok. But cripes ! at 9 bucks for 150 grains, that's adding almost three cents to every shot.:mad:
FFF powder can be used very well for priming powder, in fact it usually works better than FFFF in humid conditions as it doesn't attract moisture as much. And if the lock is a good sparker, FF can even be used with just a little slower ignition.
Man Shovel you must shoot a lot to be worrying about 3 cents extra a shot. :) I only shoot my muzzleloader maybe 12 times a year so it would take me almost 3 years to lose a dollar :) Hopefully the powder works well.
Yes I do shoot a lot, but not nearly like I used to. I shoot because I enjoy it, I enjoy reliving, experiencing a part of our history that has been forgotten by most. A history that I'm afraid when my generation is gone will sadly be lost in this generations lust for the quick and easy way. I'm not shooting just to extend my hunting opportunities.
For what it costs to shoot one of the modern wiz bang gadgets 12 times, I can probably shoot mine 100 times. That is money very well spent.
Wow!!!!! Sorry folks, I did the math wrong on this one.;)

It would come out to 30 cents per round! That's roughly 417.00 per pound.
And I thought 3 cents was bad;)
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