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Blood Trailing Cats

We are gonna plant a garden this year. She made me promise not to bury any in the garden. Damn I miss the kitty crematorium. As long as the wind was blowing away from the neighbors I was good to go.
What's a good farm cat pelt going for these days? it might be worth training my GSP to point cats? Next hit show in Sportsman Channel? QFMA (Quality Feline Management Association) Cat nip plots, and I'm sure red dolt laser lights are legal !? During the rut I hear the hit carpet and curtains hard with scrapes.? Non Res tags might be an issue though....
This is one thread where it is probablly more than acceptable to take someone at their word. Photographic verification could be construed as evidence. imho but surely would like to see photo results of some of the above mentioned scenarios, myself.
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