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When I lived in North Carolina, I bowhunted during the gun season as the gun season opened in early November and ran the rest of the year. Better than staying home and watching football. I chose the limitations of hunting with my bow rather than with gun. I don't see any real reason why a hunter in Iowa could not use a bow during gun season if they want to do so. That especially applies to those who are able to hunt on lands with very little pressure. Gun hunters are able to have adequate time in the woods if they choose to hunt during the late muzzleloading season. I don't see where a handfull of bowhunters are going to get in their way.

Amen to that. I'm tired of reading "slug hunters are unethical" and "bowhunters are greedy" replies. Those arguments are as old as the hills.
I know several of shotgun hunters that close the bars up on friday night, get up saturday morning late, grab thier gun (which they haven't shot since last year), stop at the convienence store to get a tag, and meet up with 20 others that were doing the same thing. I want to live long enough to meet my grandkids. You won't see me in the woods when shotgun season is on. Sorry to all the ethical shotgunners. I don't put you in that bunch.
Most of this is not quite the response I expected. My question was directed more towards: If you can hunt with a gun, and I choose to hunt with a bow, (big disadvantage) whats the big deal. It was said that as bow hunters we get plenty of time to hunt, let the gun hunters have their season. I hardly think that my bow hunting creates any issues for the deer or the slug hunters. Does "let the slug hunters have their season" mean every one has to clear the woods so they can run every woodlot and ditch in the county, or state for that matter. It sounds to me like trespassing during slug season is the norm,and is widely excepted(this I am not used to.) If I practice QDM all bow season and let 15 or more bucks walk to see next year and the year after, why would I want to see gun hunters run thru and undo my much enjoyed efforts. As far as safety goes, well posted property, and respectful neighbors should make this a non issue. Bowmaker, in no way do I begrudge the gun hunters, they have all the other land to hunt, I just dont want them on mine.That should not be to much to ask. Since the number of bowhunters in the woods during slug season will be small for sure, I still dont see the problem. Yes I have been thru two slug seasons here so I know what it is like. Still I would like to bow hunt during gun!
I think it all has to do with safety. Same reason we can't use high power's to hunt deer in Iowa.
You say that if you're on your own land and it is posted there should not be a problem. What if there is someone shotgun hunting on the land next to your's, shoots at a deer on his side of the fence, hits the deer with a complete pass threw and then hits you smack in the head because you were all camoflaged up and sitting directly behind the deer on your side of the fence hoping it would jump over to your side. The hunter never see's you and now your dead.
I don't want to make this a big thing, but safty is NEVER a nonissue. It doesn't matter how well posted your land is and how well people respect that. Slugs can't read. In the case
Songdog described you are dead, your family is devestated, the person who shot you is ruined and being sued and quites hunting even though he did nothing wrong, and the crazy slug hunters get another killer accident marked against them. All this because you chose not to forgo a few hours in a tree with your bow.

I will speculate a little and guess that your motavation might have something to do with the fact that maybe some gun hunters might run a huge buck to your land because of the lack of hunter activity there. Then you could have a chance to kill a Pope & Young buck that you might never see otherwise. If being out in the woods is really about the hunting why not pick up one of those nasty shotguns or muzzle loaders and hunt within the current laws, and dress top to bottom in orange and be safe?

That sounds kind of smart assie and I really didn't mean it to but can't think of another way to say what I feel. If we start making these kind of concessions then how can we tell gun hunters that they have no right to hunt deer in November the way they choose as long as they are on their own posted land?
I'm kind of old fashioned and think that the more we stir things up by asking for special treatment for one group or another the more likley it is that things will get all fouled up. I hunt deer during bow, muzzle loader, and shotgun seasons and enjoy them all for a little different reasons and believe that others have that same right.
I think it's more of a Traditional equiptment/modern equip. issue.

You can fill a Late Muzzleloader tag with a bow if you wish. But that's the only season you can switch hit with a bow.

I think what commited is trying to get at is that a bowhunter in his treestand during gun season would be no different than a gun hunter in his treestand during gun season. If something wierd happened like the neighbor shooting him, it would not of made any difference whether he had a gun or bow in his stand with him as long as he is forced to follow gun hunters rules. I do know commited and he bowhunts during gun season in his home state but he has to abide by the gun hunters rule of wearing orange.
Just curious, do the guys that bowhunt during your muzzleloader season have to wear orange?

However I do agree with you about stirring things up.

BW, I think you said it correct the first time, Iowa has a long enough bow season and we should be glad we have it at the best time during the year. What would happen if the gun hunters wanted to hunt deer all year long with guns??? I will tell you what would happen, the big bucks would turn totally nocturnal and many of them would be taken out of the herd early in the year.

Why does everything have to be messed with? Look at the success bowhunters are having in Iowa, many great pictures of bucks turned in on this great site!!!!!!! I agree with BW, be thankful you have the time you have now in Iowa's bowhunting season.

I guess you will have to move up to Minnesota where you can hunt with your bow the whole deer season. I bought a deer tag last year that would let me shoot a buck and a doe with bow or muzzeloader. But during slug season you have to get a doe tag to shoot a doe. I think the tag was abought 70.00.
I to agree we leave it alone. I think most of us bowhunters would prefer to have the first two weeks of November to hunt. Our other brethrin have the first two weeks of December to hunt and they have been satisfied with it for a long time. Safety is definetely a issue. The reason the way it is now if because that is the way the DNR and most Iowa hunters prefer it. We don't need to change a good thing. Its really a mute point because it just isen't going to happen here in Iowa no matter how much you debate it. Some states have it but we don't!! God bless the men and women of our armed forces!!! Stay safe.
a friend of mine died a year ago while in the woods while the slug hunting season was going on. he was a junior in highschool, only 17 years old. his dad had to hold his son while he died because of an accident with slugs. i want to have nothing to do with slug hunting. but for you guys who choose to do it. just do it carefully. we do count on you to have a stable deer herd. miss ya Dk
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