Buck with issues


Active Member
I got a few photos of this buck on my first card pull of the season. He definitely has some issues….His right front foot is clubbed; He has a skinny lower left leg below a knobby or swollen knee. To me he also looks a little gaunt in the hips, and he has his tongue sticking out on all three photos I have of him…I’m surprised his antlers look normal.

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yea, hes a wierd one.. rear end looks really skinny also, and it looks like hes a little swelled up on his chest between his front legs. hmmm.. that club foot is crazy looking.. i have saw alot of messed up deer but nothing like that one?
I had a doe on one of the properties that i hunt a couple years back that had a hoof like that. She was gimping like there might have been something stuck in the bottom of her foot. Tried like crazy to put an arrow in her, but didnt happen. I never seen it again after that season. Either it healed up or she went to someone elses freezer. Wierd though.