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bucks are budding


New Member
I've noticed some bucks already budding their antlers for next season while out turkeying. I didn't know that they started so early. Do they start right after they drop them? Gets me reved for the fall!
My buddy and I also saw some bucks this last weekend. Each one had two buttons on his head.
Must have been 4 years ago down by Columbia, MO a buddy and I kicked up 3 bucks during the first week of turkey hunting that were sporting nice racks. The biggest of the 3 was already about 8 inches tall with 6 points!!
Would of loved to see him in the fall..
I too saw a buck with knubs poking up. This was only a yearling though. Do they all young and old start growing around the same time?
Hve you guys seen any rubs? I've seen probably 4, and they look fresh with fresh white wood showing and slivers of back hanging off! Isn't this kinda odd?????
Was on my way out of the drive this morning buck was standing on the other side of the road with nice little sprouts poppin off his head. Looked like a 1yr 1/2 dear.
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