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Cold water tactics for giant walleyes.........

on crankbaits! Just figured that i should'nt let the fishing forum die yet. What are some of your methods if you do fish this way and when you start it off... Many know I am a crank runner (fishing that is) in Iowa mostly , bacause its a fast way to produce big walleyes. Jigs and the others i leave to the North woods lakes:) But soon approaching is cooler water and that means walleyes just like bears, need to get fat. So what are some of your tactics, you don't have to give up the really good secrets if ya don't wanna /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

Oh ya, THA4 you can't say anything! This is for MEN that like wet socks /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Nuff Said....

We have caught a lot of nice eyes pulling cranks just before the ice hits. Usually bigger fish. Haven't fished much in late fall thgough like i used too since the bow hunting bug caught me.
CRANK IT UP around this time in iowa and get my jiggin arm ready for the annual end of October fishing trip to the Rainy.

Shelfs in the 20-23 foot range seem to be prime.

Nice minnow Thomas /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
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