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crappies, rain, and yes, it's a deer thread, but..



just want to know if any of you have had any experience with this. I remember when my grandfather and friends would fish during spawning season for crappie in the river, (cedar/wapsie) when the hitting would be low they'd take tree branches and hit them against the water's surface to create a sound, and then resume fishing and start getting hits again... am i looney? or is this something you'd heard before?
Have you ever been snipe hunting?
Looks like granddad pulled a fast one.
Hate to admit it but I have read that same thing in a fishing mag awhile back. The noise and splashing is suppose to simulate a feeding frenzy and turn the bite back on. Haven't tried it yet myself though.
(urp)No. Why? I gotta tell ya, I think the article that said that about the feeding frenzy may have been about sun sharks and not sun fish. If it is true...I have officially heard everything.
Who knows, I bet the first guy the banged a couple of horns together to get the bucks to come in got laughed out of huntin camp.

Hunt on All4s
Im not sure about crappies but I know alittle about cats. We fish under a train trussell and almost everytime a train goes over it shakes things up and we get nailed. I think the cats are sitting on the bottom and when the trains pass it gets them to move just enough to see the bait.
Heck, for a crappie filet, I'd try slapping my fishing partner on the water. Every little bit could help...but I can't help feeling that the camera will be rolling and I'll end up on AFV.
It works. Better during the summer months when they school up and are moving around pushing baitfish.
you know sexcrazed buck, now that you mention that it reminds me of shooting carp. I swear whenever a car drives by on the gravel road is when I see them surface more often. I know my biggest carp came when I was driving down a gravel road and saw a ripple. Muddy and I got ready and two nice carp were headed our way. They broke and I got the closest one. Don't know what a car driving down the road would do for a carp, but maybe it does something.
Ive read in magazines that when catfishing ponds when they stop biting that runing back and forth along the bank will get them biting again{never tried it}.Probably not as effective as a train but.I dont know if the vibration in the waters supposed to do it or if it dislodges food from the bank or what but they swear it works
It never failed, when a train went over the river or a semi went over the highway bridge we had hit after hit for about 30 min. Then it would settle down. All my friends called me superstitious but I always grabbed my pole when a train went by.
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