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Crossbow Survey


Life Member
I’m not asking these questions to stir up a us against them. We need some input.

Just a little background. In Apr. Laverne Woock went to a Bowhunter Summit at P&Y Convention, as the IBA representative. The IBA signed on as a member of the National Bowhunter Coalition, almost all bowhunting groups like us in the U.S. and Canada joined. P&Y started the Coalition idea. Before too long, at the Summit it became shoving match with ATA and Coalition over crossbow issue. No one is saying put the crossbow in the archery season, ATA or Coalition, but there have been lots of rumors, half truths and a few outright lies about whose to blame, who's promoting what, etc.

I need some input. Call it a survey, list of questions, I don't care what you call it; just give me your opinions. So far it hasn't been an issue in Ia. but the day is coming. Give me your thoughts.

In Iowa do we want;

1. Crossbow in archery season?

2. Give crossbow their own season ?

3. Add crossbow to ML season?

4. Add crossbow to regular gun season?

5. Leave crossbow as weapon for the physically challenged only?

6. Have an open and honest discussion with DNR about their thoughts and our concerns on the crossbow issue?

Give me a yes or no to each question and a short reason why. You can post here on IW or pm me. All I ask is if you are an IBA member let me know. Would like everyone’s input on this issue, you don’t have to be an IBA member, this issue effects everyone.

I would like to give the Coalition, Iowa's reaction to this survey.

This is and will continue to be a hot issue on the national level.

I see no problem with them for the Physically challenged....I also see no problem with them during the firearms seasons (shotgun and Muzzleloader early and late) I don't think they should join us during the regular bowhunting season tho.
Keep them for physically disabled. Thats it. Once they get the foot in the door in other seasons (gun) it leaves bow season wide open. Remember, there are gun hunters that don't want to have to share the season with more hunters too.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've read it's pretty much a manufacturer's push for these to be introduced. I haven't seen much information supporting the fact that hunters are requesting these to be allowed into regular archery seasons. I remember reading where an X - bow manufacturer gave considerable discounts to all Ohio Fish and Game members. Guess what, Ohio gave in. I believe there has been a few states in the last few years to allow them into the regular archery season. I know the manufacturer's like to use the "herd management" terms. They are easier for beginers to use for sure. If I remember correctly the Ohio harvest numbers are closing in on close to 50% x-bow harvest vs. 50% regular archery harvest. A steady increase from what I'm told.

My 2 cents. Let's keeps the regs as is. Handicapped only.

I can accept the challenges of hunting with a verticle bow, isn't that what bowhunting's about?
Like everything nowadays, it comes down to $$.

The manufacturers tried to get them in our archery season here in MI a couple years ago. They ended up settling for making them legal during gun season. They were already legal for the disabled to use during archery season and they still are.

If I remember correctly, in Ohio the crossbow kill out numbers the bow kill now.

My Dad hunts with one, but it is only because he is 76 years old and has bursitis in his shoulder. I vote for keeping it for the physically challenged. I would be somewhat liberal in defining physically challenged however. For example, youth or small females, or anyone that has trouble drawing and holding the minimum 45 lbs. would be better off with a crossbow that taking an unethical shot. I don't think you want to make bowhunting exclusive, just retain the sport involved. Just my 2 cents.
I believe we should keep it the way it is, Handicapped only. However if they want it during Bow season then let them use them in the city limits only. I know of several people who have gotten doctors excuses for hunting with a cross bow and there is nothing wrong with them. If a deer is killed with a cross bow then keep it out of the record books or make it a doe only weapon which would be very hard to patrol. Sorry for the rambling but I don't agree with the crossbow except for people who actually need to use them.
In Iowa do we want;

1. Crossbow in archery season? Absolutely not. Even though I don't think a crossbow is as accurate, it's still a "locked and loaded" weapon. In my opinion, drawing a bow on a deer is part of the challenge associated with the archery season. In my mind there's supposed to be a degree of difficulty associated with the season, if not, why even have a bow season.

2. Give crossbow their own season ? No
3. Add crossbow to ML season? I guess if we absolutely had to implement a season for crossbow hunters, this would be the most likely spot to allow the seasons.

4. Add crossbow to regular gun season?I could say yeah, give them Gun season 1 and 2, but I doubt very many crossbow hunters want to sit in a tree with orange on trying to pursue a herd that's on pins and needles from al the slugs being thrown at them.

5. Leave crossbow as weapon for the physically challenged only? I think this is the best choice.

6. Have an open and honest discussion with DNR about their thoughts and our concerns on the crossbow issue?
Definately......I also think it's way to easy to get a disabled permit for a crossbow. I know two gentlemen for sure that have acquired them for past injuries, yet even though they no longer need them, they're still given out to them. Sounds like it's fairly easy to persuade some doctors that they can no longer shoot a bow.

I think crossbow's have their place here in Iowa, but not for general use during the archery season. For those of you that shoot crossbows, hopefully I haven't offended you, and if it seems I'm somewhat biased, it's probably because I am.

Yes, I'm an IBA member Randy. Thanks for the chance to voice our opinions.
In Iowa do we want;

1. Crossbow in archery season?No, except disabled or injured or over 70

2. Give crossbow their own season ?absolutely not

3. Add crossbow to ML season?Dont care

4. Add crossbow to regular gun season?
Dont care
5. Leave crossbow as weapon for the physically challenged only?Fine

6. Have an open and honest discussion with DNR about their thoughts and our concerns on the crossbow issue?YES
6. Have an open and honest discussion with DNR about their thoughts and our concerns on the crossbow issue?

no. its not on their "radar" yet. no need getting into this issue with them until they bring it up. we have enough issues without giving them more to throw at us
Leave it as a weapon only for the physically handicapped. I see it basically as a weapon someone might try to use because they're too lazy to put in the necessary practice with a regular archery bow. It doesn't belong in the archery season, especially during the rut, and it's definitely not a muzzleloader.
Let me explain #6.This survey is for when the issue comes up,just getting facts and figures ready.
You let a sleeping dog lay. No reason to bring up subject.
I have to agree with most that a crossbow should only be used by the physically challenged. I welcome anyone with a disability that prevents them from using a regular bow, to use a crossbow during our bow season. In fact I support most anything that will help people who cant hunt under the regular regulations but have the love for and desire to hunt.I remember a member of this site who shot a great buck out of a wheelchair this last season using a homemade setup with a gun that made that hunt possible. I cant imagine how great a challenge that was for him and I am still amazed at the skill and determination that took.But for the rest of us who already have it easy compared to people with dasabilities like his, we have all the help we need. IMO of course.
You asked elkhunter, so here are my opinions to your questions.

In Iowa do we want;

1. Crossbow in archery season? Only for the physically disabled, or the elderly that are unable to pull the minimum legal poundage of a hunting bow.

2. Give crossbow their own season? No.

3. Add crossbow to ML season? No.

4. Add crossbow to regular gun season? No.

5. Leave crossbow as weapon for the physically challenged only? Yes, but only for the physically disabled with strict guidelines re: the physical disability. Also for the elderly that are unable to pull the minimum legal poundage of a hunting bow. Require an annual physical examination by a physician for the disabled and the elderly wanting to hunt with a crossbow prior to a renewal for a permit to hunt with one is issued.

6. Have an open and honest discussion with DNR about their thoughts and our concerns on the crossbow issue?

The future of hunting is going to require that every hunter join a politically active pro-hunting organization and get more involved to protect hunting.

An open honest discussion with the DNR is a start. But let us not forget that the DNR is a state entity that is grossly under budgeted.

I look for the Iowa Legislators and Representatives to get involved in the topic of crossbow hunting. Given the recent vote re: the 2005 Deer Bill it appears to me that the Legislators and Representatives are more interested in remaining friendly with the large company’s with deep pockets. It’s only a matter of time before the better known crossbow company’s begin rubbing elbows with the state law makers. Under the rouge of course of increasing state revenue and decreasing the deer population.

It is not my intention in anyway to offend anyone who is legally hunting with a crossbow. For many of you I am sure that a crossbow is the only way you are able to continue to hunt. I commend you for it.

Thanks Randy for asking IBA members for their opinions.

Ditto to what Shredder said. I don't see what it would hurt to allow it during any gun season. Can anyone give me a good reason why we shouldn't? I also think we must continue to allow it as the law allows now.
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