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Cull buck myth

Agreed, they are just a total different animal. Figure might as well maximize the genetic potential, just like when doing a timber harvest to keep the best around the longest.

Not necessarily for any "genetic" reasons, but just to maximize what is there before my eyes. Might as well have a 180" 5 year old as a 140" 5 year old...either one will get it tho :D

Yep - agreed. I'm stoked and happy shooting a 135" 6 year old for example. Trophy to me. Hopefully makes room, often has, for that awesome genetic buck that turns into a giant when we can shoot him at 5, 6, 7 - again, another trophy. The one example that doesn't happen on my place but I know it happens all over..... The 130" 6 year old 8 point gets passed while the 155" 3 year old gets pounded. Boggles the mind to me and examples resembling this in some fashion are common-place, happens all over. I make sure it doesn't happen on my place but it absolutely drives me nuts seeing it happen all the time.
Rack scores,,I really don't care. I like seeing deer that made it thru a few seasons avoiding people no matter the bones on their heads. I try to judge body size to figure the age. Not so easy in dim light with my aging eyes, in the seconds one walks by, but I try.
Food for thought.....................

What would a primo stud buck produce with a "regular doe" when they have doe fawns?? Would those doe fawns possibly have the primo buck genes instead of the average doe genes so their 2nd generation fawns have primo racks??

Surely deer breeders have some insight into that??

Lets face it, deer breeders are not using 120" mature bucks to produce giant antlers. Which would stand to reason if it only comes from the does for every generation and sex of deer. Those giant bucks have to also be passing it down to their female offspring to show up in their male offspring on down the line.
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I have not read this whole tread but i believe long term cull efforts on big properties such as the King ranch show zero net effect. To many variables in the wild herd. I like to kill lesser quality bullie bucks hoping the void will be filled by better genetics. That is as far as I am sure I create the desired effect. Culling for genetic improvement in the wild? Good luck.
I have not read this whole tread but i believe long term cull efforts on big properties such as the King ranch show zero net effect. To many variables in the wild herd. I like to kill lesser quality bullie bucks hoping the void will be filled by better genetics. That is as far as I am sure I create the desired effect. Culling for genetic improvement in the wild? Good luck.

Don't they wait till 5 years old to start culling on the king??

There is no way to know what future genetics you will get since youngsters can move 30 miles or just a few miles from their birth place. What we can do is filter out poor genetics when they do show up by age 4 for instance. I would not feel bad shooting a 3 year old that has 4" tines either. Pretty sure they are not going to turn into 14" tines anytime soon.
One thing to discuss Herd Management on big properties, another thing in the world of small acreages and lots of hunters around. I have seen a meat processor's take in my local area. Be nice if neighbors would just let the yearlings walk!
I think the cull buck myth gained traction in the hunting community after all the hunting shows would have their celebrity hunter shoot a "cull buck". High fence outfitters make a living selling hunts. Hunting shows do not pay to hunt high fence. That resulted in the owner saying, " You know, there is a 5 year old that never grew into much. How bout shooting him".
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