Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



What is the time frame on using a decoy? I have been using one lately with no luck bucks did not seem to care. Just look and walk away.
I'd say right now is prime time for the decoy, personally I'd stay out of the timber with em though, in my own experiences I've spooked more bucks than had commit to it in the timber, however on field edges I've had success from Halloween up until mid November, you could pry even get away using it later under the right circumstances. I also love using the snort-wheeze when I've got a bucks attention and an old timer gave me some advice about using a half rack, for whatever reason I've yet to have a deer commit then spook with the half rack, they usually eat it up all sizes of bucks from forkers to mature deer.
Have been using in timber think I will take your advice and keep it out of timber. I also have been using only one antler noticed on alot of tv shows they use one antler.
I have been using a buck decoy for about three weeks with not much luck. I have found that the decoy puts the does on edge when they see it. Since the decoy is not moving it is almost like the does think he (the decoy) sees something. Every doe that has seen my decoy in the last three weeks has spooked.
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