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deer from last fall

can does like that have offspring or are they so hormonally imbalanced that they can't? Because here's what I'm thinking... lets say she didn't get shot and she got bred by a booner do you think her fawn would grow up to be like a mutant monarch world record??

Obviously the first questions carries more seriousness then the second. But still, something to think about....
Yes,, very cool and thanks for sharing, In the one picture with the other doe,, she may have been a candidate for the infamous 200# doe title as well.. Big deer. I also noticed there was virtually no "Burr" at the bases.. Probably has to do with why she never shed.
A few months ago Rick brought over a shed from this deer that he found a few years ago. The base was hollow and was around 8" circumference.

This rack was really light so I am guessing that the bases were hollow also.

this last year was the first time I ever saw this deer, but Jon thinks he saw the deer last year while checking the cattle.

When I had the deer near both blinds a week apart earily Oct it was still in full velvet. When her and the other two does went by the blind I grabbed my camera and knocked my bow off my lap in the process. that is why the deer are looking at me.

To bad I didn't have my monopod with me. I was handholding at a half second with a 270 mm lens.

The group that hunts the timbered valley got the doe durring shotgun season. Rick said there was velvet still on but it was shreaded. They pulled the rest of the velvet off. You can see on the closeups that there are still bits of velvet on the rack, and boy you could smell it.

Now, if I would of shot it I would have seen about leaving the velvet on and if possible, the hanging velvet.

Rick said the deer will be mounted and hopefully I can get a picture of it before the rack is taken away. The guy that got it is from northern Iowa.

That would be a great mount for next years deer classic.

I would of really liked to find out how much the doe weighed. in the picture above, the lead doe is big and 3 point is much bigger.

here are a few of her from my lift blind trail camera right before bow season.



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