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entry and exit doesnt match


40 yard shot on right side.shot went low and caught brisket when his right leg was back. he ran and turned to his left and i did not see blood or a gash so i thought i missed. The arrow had bright blood all the way down including fletchings ,we trailed him 500 + yards where we lost blood. called it at 9pm then resumed at 1pm next day. he was laying 40 feet from where we stopped .entry had big gash but the exit looked like a round hole that was a few inches higher then the entry. with no blood.
Is this a freak shot or can an exit hole have no damage?
I was using slick trick magnums and always have severe damage and quick recoverys.
How big was "round" hole. Might not have exited there. Could have deflected off sternum and poked a hole through hide but stopped short of an exit, then backed out entry hole as he ran. Had similar thing happen last year where only the tip of a Rage came out the off side. The in hole was huge and the hole on the other side was round & about 1/2" but it never exited that side.
hole was about 1/2 -3/4 . broadhead was still attached to arrow .maybe it was a shotgun hole from the weekend before . just didnt understand how my arrow was covered in blood .
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