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fish and shellfish

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Poisonous Ingredient

In Ciguatera poisoning, the poisonous ingredient is ciguatoxin. This is a poison made in small amounts by certain algae and algae-like organisms called dinoflagellates. Small fish that eat the algae become contaminated. If larger fish eat a lot of the smaller, contaminated fish, the poison can build up to a dangerous level, which can make you sick if you eat the fish. Ciguatoxin is "heat-stable." That means it doesn't matter how well you cook your fish, if the fish is contaminated, you will become poisoned.
In Scombroid poisoning, the poisonous ingredient is histamine and similar substances. Normal bacteria on these fish create large amounts of this toxin after the fish dies if it is not immediately refrigerated or frozen.
In shellfish poisoning, the poisonous ingredients are toxins made by algae-like organisms called dinoflagellates, which build up in some types of seafood. There are many different types of shellfish poisoning. The most well known types are paralytic shellfish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, and amnestic shellfish poisoning.
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