Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Food Plot Tour


New Member
It has been a while since I posted any food plot pics. All of my food plots are done with an ATV. Even with the hot dry weather I have been fortunate to get enough rain to have my plots look half way decent. In this pic there are soybeans planted on left. On the right is a 4 year old clover plot that startedto get overgrown with weeds so I sprayed it hoping the clover would recover. Unfortunately we had some extremely dry and hot weather so I will have to figure out what I want to do with it.


This year I got some inexpensive RR corn seed so I decided to plant some screenings around my plots to excess stands without being detected. I didn't know how much seed to broadcast and was having problems with my hand spreader so in some spots the corn is to thick and others a little thin. It was a learning experience.




This is a picture of my small 3/4 acre soybean plot. It is doing well with a little browsing. I guess the deer population in my area is on the low side.


This picture showsan old rye plot from last year that was disced earlier this year and sprayed a couple of weeks ago that will be planted with brassicas the end of July. The stuff growing on the left is a clover/chicory strip that I let grow. The chicory gets about 4 foot tall and the deer seem to really like the cover while feeding as they are in it all the time.


A couple more pics of future brassica plot with the corn planted around edge.



This picture is of my big soybean plot which is about 2 1/2 acres.


The next 3 pics are of another future brassica plot adjacent to my big soybean plot. The green you see in the last pic of this set is volunteer soybean from last years plot.




Hope you all enjoyed the picture tour.
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