Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Good hunting areas “come & go” & some interesting IA #’s & facts...

I've heard for years that if the law changes to provide one any sex tag to NRLO's that there are hundreds of guys who would buy immediately. Really. I think the rush has come and gone and that NRL ownership would not change that much. I know folks who have bought in Illinois, Minnesota, Kansas, etc. and would not change to Iowa if the law changed. NRLO's have figured out the party system and hunt every year anyway while compiling archery points.

I find the entire argument a catch 22. For those R's and NR's who can own land, they do. Those who cannot still must seek permission whether it's from a R or NR to hunt. I gladly give permission to my R neighbor. On the flip side I have two R landowners, one who owns 600 acres and another who owns over 1000 acres, of prime deer country that allow zero hunting. I'm not the problem in my neighborhood.

For those who are hoping prices will come down, don't. Real estate is fairly constant. I guarantee if you don't find a way to buy a soon as you can in 5 years you will say I wish I bought 5 years ago. I can assure you I'm not wealthy but I found a way. You can too!

That said keep the current regs in place.

Just my perspective...good places are still selling QUICKLY and for plenty of $$$. While some folks may cooled to the idea of owning a farm in Iowa, there are PLENTY more in line behind them. If NR's could get bow tags every year, things would go CRAZY in a New York minute.
Daver, IMO you are spot on! I know of landowners that would buy or buy more if they were guaranteed an archery tag every year. Some of the reasons they have switched to other states (ie MO) is because they can get the tag. Plenty of money sitting at the gate. Jdubs you are the exception.
It may spike a little but Iowa's resident real estate agents have used the party tag, hunt Iowa every year theme, forever; with prices adjusting accordingly. I don't think most care if they shoot a nice buck with a shotgun or bow.
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