Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Group of shot gunners busted for trespassing.

Hold up! The resident /non resident whining isn't supposed to happen till after late muzzy season! Stay on track here guys!
Less than 5% of Iowa deer hunters are non-residents. Most of us that travel to Iowa to hunt deer, do so because we love to hunt your quality deer herd, and respect your laws. I'm sure there are a few bad apples that abuse the privilege, but 99% of us are not your worries.

Do you really believe that statistic. Most of our neighbors at our farms are all out of staters. And the number of those non residents that come in with a doe tag to "party hunt" is ridiculous. They aren't driving all the way here to shoot does and everyone knows there's not enough COs around to do anything. I've been checked twice in my entire life by a CO and then the fines are a joke compared to waiting three years and then leasing or going through an outfitter. It's a bargain to poach in Iowa.
I'm just stating facts, Chip. Look at the "harvest statistics" thread and you'll see that in 2013-14, of 359,000+ licenses sold, less than 15,000 were sold to non-residents. I agree with you about the doe tags and party hunting, but it is totally legal. I like to bow hunt, so I have to wait every three or four years to draw. If I cared to gun hunt, i wouldn't need a buck tag because the group I would hunt with has plenty to share, and it's all legal. In fact I hunted several gun seasons ago with only a doe tag, and shot a nice buck and a doe the first night. I used my dads tag on the buck and mine on the doe. This would be totally illegal during bow season, but nothing wrong with it during gun season. Blame the system. Loss of habitat, poaching, and abuse of the trespassing laws are doing much more harm to the Iowa deer herd than the few non- residents. What in the heck are you even doing on the computer? If I were you I would be out trying to fill a tag or two!:)
Sorry Bowtech! It was getting a little slow on the site so I thought I would get the annual non-resident beat down going early!
So your taking my statement as if everyone actually party hunts and pushes their large private farms. And yes I'm heading out for an evening hunt.
Good luck Chip. No, I would like to think that most don't abuse the party hunting . I believe it is intended to allow everyone to go home with a bit of venison each year. Not for people to shoot multiple bucks or non-residents to kill bucks on doe tags. I'm not a fan of deer drives or party hunting, but for now, both are totally legal . Back to trespassing, my family confronted two different groups, trespassing on private, posted land. Both white trash, and non white trash, all residents.
Good luck Chip. No, I would like to think that most don't abuse the party hunting . I believe it is intended to allow everyone to go home with a bit of venison each year. Not for people to shoot multiple bucks or non-residents to kill bucks on doe tags. I'm not a fan of deer drives or party hunting, but for now, both are totally legal . Back to trespassing, my family confronted two different groups, trespassing on private, posted land. Both white trash, and non white trash, all residents.

If it was about going home with Venison then they wouldn't need any buck tags
Iowa trespassers no.

It's a combination of everyone. Iowa residents and non... With the amount of pressure on public land people are hitting non posted areas hard. There's a higher chance to get shot up on public ground than walking into a non posted piece of land. That's why we have this problem. I have found 3 areas where I can hunt and call the owner to open the gates to allow me to use a ATV to drag deer out. It used to be limited to a permission slip now it's over run.
Well said. I for one see no reason to hunt out of state to kill a doe.

I guess I'm weird but I actually like the process of hunting as much as or more than the ultimate goal. I like planning, packing, and traveling. I like shopping for new gear, and then the process of setting it up and dialing it in. I enjoy the calls and e-mails and texts that proceed every hunt. One of my favorites is picking out blind or stand sites. I love to try to figure out the perfect stand, even if it is "just" to out smart an old doe. We all like to look at the pictures of huge deer, but some of us come to this site for other things. Does its make sense to travel to Iowa to kill a doe? Heck no, but I still will. It is time spent with family which is worth much more than a few pounds of meat or some bone that you can't eat. That is what every trespasser steals from all of us. Merry Christmas everyone !
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