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GSM Stealth Camera


Hey, I just purchased that same cam last week its my first deer cam. How far up did you place your camera and did you have any problem with the grass setting off the laser? What did you do as far as using electrical tape? Any other reccomendations on the setup as far as the time delay etc.?

you can out black tape on the bottum to help reduse pics from small animals, or you can purchase a $0.50 ir lense called the animal alley, its a really good lense that help to drastically reduce the small animal pics.

You have to be pretty precise with your tape as far as how much of the sensor you cover. I think I ended up with about a 1/8 inch on both sides. I started with more and got alot of false readings for some reason. Vman would probably have some input on why that happened.
As far as setup, I like going about mid chest height myself, which would be about 4-4.5 feet. I don't go too far of their path for placement. If they walk right by a decent sized tree, that where I put it. You get some pictures that are really close, since they have a tendency to walk up a sniff it, but it's better than no picture. I usually set my delay at a minute if I'm setup on a trail(not alot of continuous activity), but if you're planning on setup in a feeding area or bedding area, you might want a long delay.
Also, I like taking 2 picture per trigger. Again, alot of the time you only get one picture of the deer, since they might get spooked by the noise and run off, but most of the time you get a side profile of the bucks on the first one and the second is head one, since they are looking right at the camera by the time it takes the second one.

Hope it helps and have fun. I'm sure after you get the first picture of a big one, you'll want to get another camera.
I dont no why you would have got the false flashes becaue of the electrical tape.

Was this the first time you put it in this particualar location? Remember, south, east, and west directions tend to give lots of false pictures. Also some cams will fire off all the film when the sensor battery gets low.
I will tell you how the first roll of pics goes I'm going to give it a week to go out and check the camera. I setup on a tree where two trails merge in a creekbed. Depending on the results I may try out mounting the cam by a foodsource. I saw the same camera at Walmart for 67.00 it same camera just the MC2-GWM I took the WM to be for Walmart. I will probably get hooked and pick upo another. Thanks for the input SD.
Is everyone useing the 200 speed film as recomended in these? I put 3 out this last weekend all with 400. I did not see they recomended 200 till tonight when I took time to read the instructions LOL. To be honest I have built 8 or 9 homebrew cams they all worked fine but I had close to $80 in each one. I think the stealth cam is going to be hard to beat for the money.....Joe
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