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'Guns Are Dangerous'


PMA Member
This is an article I found in the Opinion section of Thomas and myself's hometown paper (Wilton-Durant Advocate News) this morning.

I'm guessing this was probably put in a lot of papers...


The persons who were killed and wounded in the Arizona shooting are less healthy than they were before the shooting. Even the persons who escaped direct physical injury, but experienced the trauma of the event have less vigorous health than they had before.
This is not a difficult concept. Shooting is a hazard to health. We regulate other threats to public health but allow the threat from gunshot trauma to remain in our community. In Iowa, we have actually reduced the protection citizen health has enjoyed from possible gunshot trauma. We regulate water quality, we require childhood immunizations, we concern ourselves with food and safety, and more. All of these actions are important safeguards to our health as a community.
But we do little to protect Iowa citizens from gunshot trauma, even when gunshot health risks are 100 percent preventable. In fact, recent Iowa legislation required county sheriffs, in the vast majority of cases, to issue gun permits regardless of the sheriff's reservations about the applicant's qualifications. Current conversation in Des Moines suggests that gun restrictions in Iowa will be further reduced.
There is nothing in the Second Amendment to our US Constituion that requires each of us to be exposed to a known, preventable, serious health risk. Being shot by a gun is clearly detrimental to your health.
This is not a difficult concept. Guns are dangerous. Guns bring threat to community health. Members of our community deserve to have their health safeguarded. The League of Women Voters of Iowa supports the right of citizens to live in an environment in which known health hazards are recognized and eliminated or, at least, minimized. We look to our legislators to do all they can to eliminate the known, preventable, serious health risks that guns bring to our community. The League urges all citizens to remind their government representatives that each citizen has a right to live in the healthiest reasonable community environment. Guns are a health hazard that can be eliminated. It is time to take action.

Myrna Loehrlein, Ph.D.
League of Women Voters of Iowa"

This woman has had too much of :drink1: lately..

The only outcome of elimintating guns would be taking away guns from law abiding citizens....
I always appreciate the concern for those that were injured and killed in Tucson (been to that Safeway a few times when we lived there). However, what this person, who so egregiously throws her Ph.D. status in a newspaper, fails to point out is that there were several law-abiding citizens carrying concealed firearms that were in the process of using justified force to stop this situation. Fortunately, as I understand it, no other shots were fired, but good citizens were reacting. She also fails to recognize that this individual was a whack-job that had no business owning a firearm.

She further fails to recognize that there are many law-abiding citizens who possess copious amounts of common sense, yet have to suffer the trauma of dealing with people like her.
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, even when gunshot health risks are 100 percent preventable.

This is not possible.....the criminals will have guns no matter how many laws you make.....that's why they are called criminals!! Why is this so difficults for the anti-gunners to understand??? :thrwrck:
I have a bunch of guns in my gun safe and they are not hurting anybody. I have a gun in my closet and its not hurting anyone. Hell Ive never seen a gun hurt anybody. What are these crazy people talking about? Guns dont kill People, People kill people.
I know if I were a legislator and a women wrote me with the quote,

'Being shot by a gun is clearly detrimental to your health', I would probably laugh out loud.

Talk about wackos... here is one of them! haha
How many people get killed in automobile accidents? According to her justification we should also get rid of automobiles, how many more people would escape "accident trauma"? This lady reminds me of the movie Demolition Man.
Wow one thing happens from a Total Wako and now this lady wants to throw her Phd around im sorry but this article makes me mad not to mention this statement.

This is not a difficult concept. Guns are dangerous. Guns bring threat to community health.

I have several guns in my safe and all they do is keep disease and overpopulation undercontrol which inturn Makes it SAFER. This woman needs to get the hint guns don't hurt people Wack jobs hurt people with guns like this guy in

However I do send my thoughts and prayers out to the victoms and thier families, friends. Total shame what happened
This is not possible.....the criminals will have guns no matter how many laws you make.....that's why they are called criminals!! Why is this so difficults for the anti-gunners to understand??? :thrwrck:


I get so ticked off when I read articles like hers :mad:
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. One crazy man's actions do not mean that every "gun owner" is detrimental to society. What a wacko!
I have been yelling at my TV (news) every night now for the past few weeks due to the city businesses around Iowa (and im sure other states) banning guns in their establishments, or even in their entire communities. Say a jerk has a notion to settle a score (using a gun) with a business or maybe they just follow someone into a business. I dont think a sign on the window that reads: NO GUNS ALLOWED is gonna make that jerk think twice. If theyre out to murder and harm, no laws against carrying weapons is going to dissuade them.:thrwrck:. Banning guns takes away any protection that a person being assaulted has.

Sorry if Ive only repeated what someone else has already said. Been away from computer for couple of weeks.

BTW I bought a Springfield XDM 9mm.:D LOVE it. Not too big, 19 rds in the clip. Easy to use, disassemble, and clean. Highly recommended.:way:
I think broadheads are detrimental to our health also, lets ban them too. And while we're at it, steak knives, chain saws, paint thinner, should I continue?
If guns are dangerous and GUNS KILL PEOPLE then hammers build houses.

Funny thing those anti-gun losers don't want you to know, with relaxed gun laws (in support of our 2nd amendment rights), criminal's using guns in crime has steadily gone down in the last 20 years.

You know, how bout these clowns start going after back-yard swimming pools, lot more kids and people die from those- they surely aren't a right of the constitution, they'd be easy to eliminate (can't hide em) and we could save all sorts of lives the "pools are killing" each year.
I forgot to update this a while back with my response that I sent in that day to the editor and it was published the next week.. Received a lot of good comments from people who read it in the paper. Here she be.....

> >
> >
> > In response to an opinion, ‘Guns are Dangerous’, from 1/20/2011:
> >
> >
> > The approximate 115 people that die every day in the U.S. from
> > vehicle collisions are less healthy than they were before driving
> > that day. This is not a difficult concept. Driving is a hazard to
> > health. We regulate other threats to public health but allow the
> > threat from vehicle accident trauma to remain in our community.
> >
> >
> > By now, everyone reading this should be thinking, “What is this
> > guy talking about!?” That is how I felt after reading an Opinion
> > article in the 20Jan2011 printing of Wilton-Durant Advocate News.
> >
> >
> > To sum it up, the President of ‘League of Women Voters of Iowa’,
> > Myrna Loehrlein, believes that eliminating guns from our communities
> > will prevent/eliminate gunshot trauma such as the recent incident in
> > Tucson, AZ. She states that gunshot health risks are 100 percent
> > preventable.
> >
> >
> > Let me give some facts cited from Gun Owners of America
> > (gunowners.org):
> >
> >
> > “Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding
> > citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as
> > 2.5 million times every year—or about 6,850 times a day. This means
> > that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to
> > protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.”
> >
> >
> >
> > “Concealed carry laws have reduced murder and crime rates in the
> > states that have enacted them. According to a comprehensive study
> > which reviewed crime statistics in every county in the United States
> > from 1977 to 1992, states which passed concealed carry laws reduced
> > their rate of murder by 8.5%, rape by 5%, aggravated assault by 7%
> > and robbery by 3%.”
> >
> >
> >
> > “Gun-free England is not such a utopia after all. According to the
> > BBC News, handgun crime in the United Kingdom rose by 40% in the two
> > years after it passed its draconian gun ban in 1997. According to a
> > United Nations study, British citizens are more likely to become a
> > victim of crime than are people in the United States. The 2000
> > report shows that the crime rate in England is higher than the crime
> > rates of 16 other industrialized nations, including the United
> > States.”
> >
> >
> >
> > “Washington, D.C. has, perhaps, the most restrictive gun control
> > laws in the country, and yet it is frequently the Murder Capital of
> > the nation. In the 25 years following the DC gun ban, its murder
> > rate INCREASED by 51 percent, even while the national rate DECREASED
> > by 36 percent.”
> >
> >
> > In my opinion, the only thing that taking away guns from law-
> > abiding citizens is going to do is just that, take away from only
> > the honest/hard-working American who lawfully owns and uses a
> > firearm. The people whom are out there to create havoc upon our
> > nation and in our communities with a gun are going to do it
> > regardless of what the laws are, because obviously, they aren’t law
> > abiding. It doesn’t take a Ph.D. to figure that out. Our Laws do not
> > apply to them because they will not abide by them. They will not
> > hand over their guns unless physically caught with them. Hence, we
> > will be taking protection away from ourselves and creating less of a
> > threat to violence committed with a firearm.
> >
> > Myrna Loehrlein’s statement of “gunshot health risks are 100
> > percent preventable” is 100 percent FALSE! Gun registration wasn’t
> > enacted in the U.S. until 1968. How many millions of firearms are on
> > the streets today that were bought and sold before 1968 that
> > couldn’t possibly ever be traced or confiscated? Good luck bringing
> > a knife to a gun-fight.
Good stuff, well written. I'm glad they published that. Probably opened quite a few peoples eyes to reality.
Good stuff, well written. I'm glad they published that. Probably opened quite a few peoples eyes to reality

I hope the heck you are NOT talking about what the lady wrote........
If guns kill people, then pencils miss spel, cars make people drive drunk, and spoons make Rosie ODonnel look fat
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