Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


You could have showed it just little respect and cleaned it up some.

Stupid comment right there. This is exactly why we don't see as many kills on this site as we used to. This guy has been a member since 2001 and only has 51 posts. That's 5 posts a year. He's not a very active member and if people keep lobbing comments like these at him I doubt he will ever post again.

We don't know his circumstances and we shouldn't judge him. I'm thinking the last thing this hunter thought about after killing this magnificent deer was getting a good harvest photo so when he posted it on IW he wouldn't get slammed by folks like you for disrespecting the deer.

As others have said, this is not PETA.

Great buck buddy. And thank you for sharing it with us.
This takes the cake for my favorite whitetail rack of 2009. It takes over Gnarles Barkley that Lee. L. shot earlier in the season.
Hell, use his blood for war paint for all I care, that right there is an awesome whitetail! How long are those G-2's on that bad boy? :way:
Buck of a lifetime right there!

Phone picture wasn't very big...glad you posted the pics here!

Holy cats, wow, congrats! As stated, I'd rather see the pics in a garage than not at all!

Congrats again!
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