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Harvested shed bucks


I was checking out the real time harvest data on the dnrs site and I noticed that there was 59 shed antler bucks killed this year. Anyone else think that this is just weird?
i had the same thoughts....
im sure wierder things have happened, but i find it hard to believe.....

who knows...maybe it is happening....
Found my first shed last year during first shotgun season in one of my food plots. Thought it was a little early to be shedding.
Would those have been counted in the late antlerless season in January since it is the start of a new season?
That has to be last years statistics or else people are pushing the wrong button on their phone when they are reporting their kills.

A shed buck right now would be a fluke, or an injured animal that sheds from extreme stress.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gundog870</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i either saw a shed buck two nights ago. or a 200 pound doe, is that even possible.. </div></div>

Take a 6 year old doe on good feed and 200 pounds is very possible.
I shot a doe a few years ago, that was well over 200 pounds. We had her side by side with a big 12 point that was shot on the same push, and she dwarfed him. Very possible.
a 200 pound doe in Iowa is very possible...
i shot one, ill post a pic of it later!!!

they do exist!!
This one is close...

My guess is that most of these bucks "shed" their antlers after the kill. Someone probably wanted to use a doe tag and decided this would be the easiest way out. I noticed these statistics too, and they don't seem right. Maybe some are sheds, but the majority are probably not in my opinion. Maybe someone can give us all a biology lesson if I'm in the wrong?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DOR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Live weight maybe but dressed I'm call that a mythical deer. </div></div>

Bah... you're biased with your monster gopher does. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
I was looking at the site this summer and noticed that they had some where around 52 antlered bucks being shot during the late doe season. It might be just my thinking but shouldnt that result in 52 tickets given out for illegally shooting a buck.
no, shed antler bucks count as "antlerless" deer...an antlerless deer is defined as - a deer with no forked antler - 'thats coming straight from the 2007/08 Hunting and Trapping Regulations from the Iowa DNR.....so in that case anyone could shoot a two-pointer and slap and "antlerless" tag on it.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gundog870</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i either saw a shed buck two nights ago. or a 200 pound doe, is that even possible.. </div></div>

She's a plus size. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
well i could swear she was a 200 pound doe. when i told kris he laughed... so i didnt want to come on saying i say one. but I am 99.9 positive it was.
8 or 9 yrs ago I shot one that was 180#. It took forever to scrape all the fat off her when I was butchering her. Seen one last year shot gun hunting that would have easily gone 200#. She looked like she was about 10 years old.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gundog870</div><div class="ubbcode-body">well i could swear she was a 200 pound doe. when i told kris he laughed... so i didnt want to come on saying i say one. but I am 99.9 positive it was. </div></div>

Oh I believe you, but just like there are big women there are big does, hence plus sizes.
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