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Health Care


New Member
Most of you know by now that the Senate version (at least) of the "stimulus" bill includes provisions for extensive rationing of health care for senior citizens. The author of this part of the bill, former senator and tax evader, Tom Daschle, was credited today by Bloomberg with the following statement.

Bloomberg: "Daschle says health-care reform will not be pain free. Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them."

If this does not sufficiently raise your ire, just remember that Senators and Congressmen have their own healthcare plan that is first dollar or very low co-pay which they are guaranteed the remainder of their lives and are not subject to this new law if it passes.

I can't wait until the government gets to choose whose grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, brother, sister, husband, or wife gets medical help to save their life. The crooks making these decisions have nothing to worry about.
"Daschle says health-care reform will not be pain free. Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them

Good gosh...that's a pretty sad statement, sure makes growing old something to look forward too...:(
Along with health care. Today is the vote on Cap and Trade. An energy Bill that some say will raise taxes on all our energy bills. I thought this Pres, was going to lower taxes for the little guy. Get ready, I hear that sucking sound on your wallet. As far as mistreating old folks. The Nursing home my mother was in would not administer enough morphine, while she was dieing, to ease her pain. I had to watch her suffer for 4 hrs, before she finally passed. The reason ? Fear of the cost of any possible law suit. This rationed health care will bring more of the same.
I hope that the people who voted for "change" are enjoying it and those who are not, vote against it next election.
We'll all need to see the doc to take care of our sore butt holes after this clown and his merry band of enablers in the legislature get done with us.

Bloomberg: "Daschle says health-care reform will not be pain free. Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them."

Thats bad.

If the senate passes the cap and trade (carbon tax plain and simple) the people in the midwest can expect 25% higher electric bills in 10 years. Most electricity in the midwest comes from coal fired plants. It has the Rural Electric Coops up in arms. People on the west coast and east coast will not be hit as hard.
Thank you Obama Voters!

You done good with this one!

Just over 1000 days till this tool is out of office!
Thank you Obama Voters!

You done good with this one!

Just over 1000 days till this tool is out of office!

Yet there are still so many people blinded by this guy. I just cannot figure it out!! Really, somebody explain this crap to me PLEASE!!
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