Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company




Took my yearly pilgrimage back to my old stoppin grounds of Central Kansas. Brother had some stands set up so no time was waisted. First morning pasted on a decent 8 pt bumping does around because we knew there were some big guys hangin around. Next couple of days saw lots of does and small bucks but nothing I wanted to take. While I'm in another stand another good friend shot his first ever buck a respectable 8 pt. The party was on!! 2 mornings after he shot his I said that is just too good of an area I think I'll go sit in that very same stand. Wind was perfect the moisture soaked into the leaves and grass so it was very quiet getting in. At 7 am I tried, for me, a new rattleing technique but some of you may have used it. I lowered my horns to the ground with my bow rope and started pulling and clanking those horns together while russelling the leaves and sticks. 5 minutes later I see him pop out of a cattail swamp 100 yds away. Instant ADDRENALINE! I had to work on my breathing because it was picking up pretty fast. He stopped a couple of times to look around but then committed on the trail right by the stand at 40 yds out, so I knew I was gonna get a shot. I started to draw when he went behind a cedar but by the time I was at full draw he was 5 yds right below me. I missed my clear shooting window but only had twigs infront of me. When I looked thru the peep all I could see was hair so I ripped the trigger. OOOOOhhh No way far back Hit, maybe gut shot maybe liver. I couldn't beleive I hit him that far back. Watched him run then lost site of him. Called my brother but he hadn't even gotten out of bed yet so got a hold of his buddy who was at the house also. Told them thought about sitting but man was I pumped, so I went back to the house. Told them the whole story then decided to waite because of the hit. We waited 6 hrs before tracking him. But no blood was to be found when we got back there. We went to the last place I saw him and started out. One of my buddies said If I was hit like that would I go to the emergency room or home. I said If I'm gonna die I'm going home. 200yds away and 1 hr later we found him dead and stiff. I had been dead at least for a couple of hours, maybe more. So to all you guys that have had marginal hits I appreciate the advice on When in doubt, Back out!!
Sorry so long.

Here you go. Nice buck.



Nice deer High Country, Congrats. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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