How do I post a picture?

hey booner 12, i had this problem too, seemed hard at first but it is extremely easy once you get to use it. first off im sure you got your photo on your computer somewhere, you need to go to main inex and scroll down until you see the photo gallery, if you have a harvest photo, go to the harvest section and upload photos, then you can browse for it and put it there. once you do that your pic, will appear. right click on the photo and go to properties, click on that and it will have an addres http// something after that, once you got that copy everything behind the the // you can do that buy ctrl C then go back and make a new post, and when you are done typing, on the right of the instant gremlins, there is a box of things that says instant ubb code, click on image a box will appear and behind the // ctrl V will paste your address there to the pic, then click continue and it will preview then continue again and its posted, goodluck, im sure this is long and seems hard buts its super easy!!!