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How many does are too many ?


New Member
I hunt a 3200 acre farm that has 5-6 different food plots. Last year in a 3 day hunt my friend and I saw 47 does and 3 smaller bucks. The land owner doesn't want does shot incase they might be button bucks. There were two large bucks taken with one scoring over 190 so I think there are good genetics there. I'm trying to come up with a solution to present to the land owner.
I look over the available native habitat besides the food plots, if everything that is desirable is browsed, there are too many does. Desirables are oak seedlings, dogwoods and lot of other shrubs. A park like looking timber is a good sign you have too many.

It really depends on the farm, soils and available food sources.
47 does and 3 smaller bucks doesn't sound too many when you're concentrating over 3200 acres onto only 5-6 foodplots. Ratio sounds like it may need some does whacked possibly. If deer are getting to 190"+, doesn't sound like the racks are hurting for growth needs. So hard to say without seeing it. What a horrible possible problem to have!!
I would say if you saw 47 does over 3 days that isn't all that bad on that much ground. Who knows how many where the same. I would just tell the landowner if you screw up and shoot a button buck then you will put your statewide buck tag on it. Problem solved..........don't screw up............ :)
3200 acres and 47 does in one sit sounds like a ton to me. You can only see so far from your stand. Who knows how many other does are on your other foodplots throughout your 3200 acres. IDK...but it does sound like quite a few does.
That is 6.4 deer per acre. Depending on the food available and Cover available you may be a little high but probably just fine. It all depends on the time of year. For example one of the farms I hunt is 180 acres. In late October last year there were over 55 deer every night in one of the alfalfa fields. Yes this seems like a ton, but they don't stay all year around. We just happened to have the last good food source around. I would say you need to shoot a few does, but don't see you having a major problem. Don't base your management on just one time of year. Sounds like you should have a good fall.
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