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How much can they add?

ohio giants

I've been watching 4 bucks everyday and one is really nice but was wondering how much can they grow from now till their done? I know a lot depends on their food and stuff right now he is around 135-140 think he will see 150 when all said and done? They got good food and I always have salt blocks out for them this time of year
It seems it depends a great deal in the individual deer. I've seen one deer that didn't grow after mid June, another that put on 30" after July 4th and everything in between.
Previous post was spot on - think about shed season. Some drop in Feb - some drop in March. Some are done in early July - some are done in August.
I guess I never thought of it like that I'm just hopping they all 4 keep growing then! Lol hope so have some pics of them in the next couple weeks I put out two trail cams right where they have been at so hopefully you all can see them soon enough lol thanks for all the information tho
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